I’m trying to figure out how many questions per round my game should have, if it has 3 rounds. I would like the game to last 30 minutes tops. It will be host controlled, so the questions will not advance on their own. Any idea, roughly how long a 3 round game would last with 15 questions per round? 10 minutes? 15?
While we don’t have a concrete guideline for how long a trivia game will take based on the number of questions, I’d be happy to provide an approximate duration as an example for a trivia game set under the Fully Automatic Mode with the following Automatic Viewer Settings toggled:
Show Live Answer Results Automatically: 4 seconds
Show Correct Answer: 4 seconds
Show Question Notes: 6 seconds
Show Rankings Leaderboard: 7 seconds
For instance, for three Fully Automatic trivia session with 45 questions and a Question Timer of 20 seconds with the previous Automatic Viewer Settings toggled to show automatically, this game would run for approximately 31 minutes at 42 seconds a question, considering no live host is discussing supplemental information.
Please note, these are just approximations so your actual game length would still vary as you mentioned this will be a Host Controlled Mode game. We suggest running practice games to calculate the running time in order to get a more accurate representation of how long your specific Experience(s) would be based on the number of questions included.
We run 10 questions per round, 30 seconds timer per question. Host controlled.
Between the question time, showing the live answer results, then the correct answer, then a couple of seconds before moving to the next question, it’s roughly one minute per question.
Then obvioulsy there are gaps between rounds…
Thank you for this great question and thank you for choosing Crowdpurr.
I’m going to second what Garry said and say that, on average, it takes about a minute per question in a standard, host-controlled game. So it might be a bit of a whirlwind to get through three fifteen-question games with a host in thirty minutes. Allowing for a small grace period between rounds (approx. five minutes) is also a good rule of thumb; it lets players and hosts reset. As Jemma said, running those three games without a host puts you over the thirty minute mark. Not by much, obviously, but introducing a human element (the host) will certainly add play time to the game.
Best bet, I’d plan on at least twenty minutes per round in a fifteen-question game, so for three games plan on at least an hour.