Quick question for team trivia hosts: if you have a scripted intro explaining basic rules you read before your event(s), would you be willing to share it? Don’t need to know how to welcome people to my client’s venue, but a rundown of the basic rules of play would be super beneficial. I did a search from within the Crowdpurr’s user forum as well as the dedicated FB group but couldn’t find anything related…
I realize there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” set of rules - but I can easily copy and paste those that apply to my particular format to develop my welcome script, so TIA if you have anything you’d be willing to share. Email is my username @gmail.com.
I’m happy to provide examples of various talking points you may choose to incorporate in your introduction script before a game begins.
Number of Questions or Categories: You can mention how many questions the game will have. If you’ll be hosting multiple games in one session, you can also include how many different rounds to expect and the various categories. (Of course, unless you prefer to keep the actual subject category hidden until the associated round begins.)
Question Types & Timer Duration: If your game will have a combination of different Question Types, you may want to give players a heads up on what to expect when answering a specific question. (i.e. How to answer a Drag and Drop Question, Numerical Answer, Text Answer) If you’ll be using the Question Timer for your game, you may also want to mention how long questions will have to answer. For instance, “20 seconds for multiple choice questions and 30 seconds for everything else.” You may also want to mention that once time has run out, players will not be able to submit an answer.
Answers Locked In Once Selected: For multiple choice questions, you may want to mention that once a player taps on an answer option, their answer is locked in so choose wisely.
Intermissions In Between Rounds: If you intend on hosting breaks in between different rounds, you may also want to mention this in the beginning to give players a heads-up and to plan their break activities accordingly.
I hope this helps you as you build out your script!
This is extremely helpful, Jemma - pretty much all I need now to formulate an opening script now! Thanks so much for all of your help today - especially during our Zoom session. Thank you!!!