Hide Question Stats on Presentation View?

Would it be possible to update the presentation view so that when you have “hide question numbers” enabled, that the total number of questions loaded into the game does not show?

If I load 60 questions into an event but only have time to get through say 40 of them, it’s kind of weird to display “answered 32 of 60” when we stopped at 40. It also implies that there WILL be 60 questions.

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Interesting… :thinking: So would it hide the bar graph of the percent of questions answered on each player too?

Maybe just say “Answered 40 question”?


hmmm. yeah, didn’t think about that.

I suppose it would since there would be nothing to graph against, right? The only other solution I can think of is to have it as is… “Answered X of Y correctly”, where Y is the ACTUAL number of questions asked… not the number loaded into the game. That would be kind of awesome but would probably take some fancy programming. :slight_smile:

So I suppose “Answered 40 questions correctly” would make sense.

Unless I’m wrong on this and others wish to chime in. I’m thinking that most people that hide the question numbers do so because they 1) don’t know how many questions they will actually use or 2) don’t want the audience to know how many questions there are.


Just thinking about this tonight because I have one these events coming up this weekend…

As you develop a new UI and other improvements, let me throw this into the pot. I wonder if there isn’t a way to make the scoreboard a little more customizable? As in, we’d have the ability to add and hide which fields are displayed on the board.

MOST of my events, what is there right now is fine. However, some of my events are public shows and not in groups of people that know each other. Casinos, theaters, etc… People don’t always like having their full name displayed to a group of people that they do not know.

Perhaps the ability to add a custom field like “Nickname” and then to be able to add that as the first column display on the scoreboard while hiding the last name. Or, even display what team someone is on while using the advanced team option. Or display someone’s state when they are in a group of people from all over the country…or in basic team mode, display the table number that the team is sitting at… etc…

I wouldn’t say it happens a lot but it does happen where people ask if I can display things like on the scoreboard.


Copy all. We’re going to be adding a lot more customization. Especially to the Presentation View. It will be able to do all of the above.