A concern we’ve had many customers have is the fact that the trivia library is open to the public as well. So if you’re running a trivia contest for a prize or money and using a library game, savvy players could try to find your library games by using a free Basic Plan account beforehand. No need to even upgrade. Especially if you announce the topics/games beforehand.
Premium Trivia Games
One idea we’ve kicked around is adding Premium Trivia Games that would cost a few dollars to buy. They would still be written by our amazing trivia team, still have the same quality, but they would not be open to the public. You would have to purchase the game to have access to it. So it would add more of a barrier to those cheaters out there trying to get an advantage. Though, one might argue that if a prize is $50, someone might pay $5 to try to cheat. While this would greatly reduce library cheating, it doesn’t solve it completely. So this brings forth the idea of…
Ultra Premium Trivia Games
These would be trivia games that are only allowed to be purchased by a single user. For ultimate cheat-proofing. No one else, no matter what they pay, would be able to see the game ahead of time. However, because only one user would be able to access the trivia game, it would need to be more expensive to pay for the creation of the game. So these would cost $50 to $100, for example. You wouldn’t use these often unless you had a very special event with a large prize and you wanted to cheat-proof it completely.
These are some thoughts our team had recently. While we love giving away free trivia games each week, these upgraded games may help some users.
Not Big on the Idea of Premium Trivia?
You can still mitigate library cheating without paying any extra. Make sure you don’t announce your games ahead of time (unless you always just use the new games each week, then you’ll be open to cheaters if they figure out you use Crowdpurr and care enough).
Also, our library is HUGE. So feel free to mix questions from lots of different games. If you have recurring trivia games, at the moment, there’s no way to know if you’ve used a question before or not. You might use your own tracking spreadsheet in this case (or clone a copy of ours) and mark off the games you’ve used. We’re discussing some kind of tracking feature that would display if you’ve ever had players answer a trivia question before - this gets involved though when you have multiple nights/groups/etc. of trivia players where you need to track per group.
Lastly, you can always sprinkle in some of your own written questions too! Or look for other trivia question sources. But we warn you, good players and teams read the same blogs and posts that Google will find for you. That’s why we require our trivia writers to write games 100% from scratch. No using existing material.
Thoughts on the above premium trivia games?