New Trivia Manager - Philip Trickey

Hello Crowdpurr Community!

I’d like to introduce myself to everyone, my name is Philip Trickey, and I am the new Trivia Manager for Crowdpurr. I’ve been a passionate consumer of trivia for most of my life and I’m thrilled to be a part of this wonderful community. I’m looking forward to continuing our goal of being the best source for games and trivia! We’ve got some exciting new features that we’re working on so be sure to check back often for updates on games, contests, and all things trivia related. Again, I’m delighted to be a part of this community and have fun playing!

If you haven’t seen it already, check out my post below detailing the newest games and please follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more updates.


New Weekly Trivia Update on Instagram

Please post on this thread any trivia related questions or game ideas and to let us know what’s working and what we can do to improve the experience.


Welcome Philip! So happy to have you on board. Lots of cool things coming down the pipe.


We’re super excited to have you on the team. Welcome aboard, Philip! :partying_face:

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Welcome to the team, Philip!