No new questions this week?

No new questions this week?



Any word? I’m needing to start prep for next week. It’s Wednesday and no new experiences.

We just need some communication from you or your staff please.

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Kind of in the same boat here.

Do you write any custom questions? Early on, I wrote all of my own questions but in the last few months, it’s been about a 50/50 mix of my questions and some from crowdpurr.

More than happy to swap some questions. Mine are already in the crowdpurr upload format. :slight_smile: Shoot me an email if interested.


I mostly use the CP experiences. I edit questions here and there, and when needed create theme shows to go with our theme nights, but I try really hard to not create shows from scratch unless I absolutely have to.

There were 2 new games. I don’t use the crowdpurr questions for public games only for private events.

Really? Which games are new this week?

Hannibal Lecter Franchise, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Household Items


Hannibal and Rocky Horror are from Oct 4th.

Household Items is new within the past hour. As is Weird Laws which also just popped up.

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Got it. I don’t really use the library very often anyway.

Hi @dandeibert and @djmj,

Thanks for your patience! I just wanted to let you know a third game has just been released titled, The Sopranos 2 under the TV category. Please keep an eye out on the Trivia Database as our team rolls out this week’s new games. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If the delay has to do with all of the new features in the next update, all is forgiven! :slight_smile:


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New games are out this week! The delay had to do with the holiday weekend. Crowdpurr employees get all federal holidays off. :partying_face: So when this happens it throws off the release a bit.

Sorry about the delay. We’re working on planning ahead for holidays, etc. so the releases aren’t delayed.

Love that you guys love the database games so much you let us know when they’re late. Means it’s a valuable feature. :+1::blush:

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