New Trending on Netflix

Hey everybody, I finally got my trivia game off the ground, I’m really excited to start doing this. I’ve booked a few Christmas parties and a bar for semi-regular play. One thing that I noticed this morning during a consult with one of my Christmas parties is the most recent Trending on Netflix quiz is nearly a year old, will there be a new one?

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Good morning, Aaron!

Welcome to Crowdpurr! We are thrilled to have you. Thank you for your suggestion and keep an eye out for another installment of our Trending on Netflix series very soon. In the meantime, we recently published a game all about “Stranger Things” (our second game to focus exclusively on that show) that’s ready for you to unleash on your players. We also have a fun game about the “Scream” franchise for Halloween season. We will be publishing more holiday themed games over the coming months so watch for those too. And don’t forget to browse our database of over 1000 games to help enhance your events. Thanks again for joining us and have fun playing!

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oh that’s awesome. I’m super stoked to see how up-to-date your catalog of quizzes is.


Our most up-to-date games can be found under the NEW tab in the games library. We keep any game published in the past two months there. There are also a lot of “evergreen” topics to be found in the database. These are topics and games that aren’t necessarily trending or in the news but are always popular with administrators and players.

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