Curious as to what you all are charging for Pub/Restaurant Trivia nights. Looking at doing 2+ hour events but wondering what others are charging for stuff like this.
Was also debating doing it free with sponsors instead. If you’re doing this, also curious as to what you charge for sponsors. In person vs Virtual rates?
Hey man! I have been running weekly trivia since 2010, and I’d say there’s no limit to what you can charge a certain venue for weekly trivia especially if you’re bringing them a ton of business, but on average I think most venues budget between $100-$200 for these types of 2 hour events on a weekly basis. Again, don’t limit yourself to that, but I’d say the average after operating in Chicago, LA, and now Johnson City TN would be around $150 per event.
I haven’t done too much with sponsor-paid shows, but you can always get sponsors to cover costs for things like answer sheets if you throw their logo on them, etc. Just some ideas! RB
A lot will depend on the venue’s size and the traffic that can be generated. I’ve been hosting my own brand for 10 years and have had nights that paid anywhere from $50 for 3 or 4 teams to $200+, again depending on the venue. I have one gig currently that charges a fee per team, of which I get 25% plus a flat rate. Another doesn’t charge the teams, but I still get $300 a night. That’s a large venue though, and I average 18-20 teams a week. You’ll just have to negotiate with the owners to see what kind of budget they have.
We run weekly live in person trivia at numerous locations and our fee differs based on size of location/seating capacity.
We charge a flat fee per location ranging from $150 to $250.
We do not charge a “per team” sliding scale fee. That is getting into slippery territory because the venues view of who “came for trivia” may differ from yours.
Here’s the way I look at it; if the revenue that the restaurant generates from your trivia, covers your trivia fee, then it’s worth their while.
Anything extra is a bonus.
Otherwise those trivia customers you drew in, would be playing elsewhere.
Restaurant owners have short memories and a ‘What have you done for me lately” attitude.
Charge your fee. Stick to your guns. Deliver a fantastic trivia (via crowdpurr ) and stay away from small dive bars.
What payment options are everyone using? I would like to use Credit Card as much as possible (easiest to use and track). Might offer EMT (Email Money Transfer) as it’s popular in Canada.
Yes, use credit card (or any electronic payment) as much as possible.
Here’s why; you don’t have to always show up to the venue every single time after a trivia to collect payment.
I have two places who insist on cash (ca$h is definitely don’t get me wrong ), but not only do I have to make sure I show up to collect, but I then have to deposit it. As opposed to how automated electronic payments are.
We use a great credit card collection website called USAePay. You get the CC info from each client and simply set them up for auto pay. If a card is declined the system automatically retries it numerous times. It’s great.
Our credit card processor (which is tied to USAePay is EPSG and they’re great too)
One large client pays us by check monthly which is also great as it’s a large check which is always nice!
Hope this helps!