[RELEASED] Additional Staff Accounts & Team Functionality

Just wondering…

Could there be a way where a “Secondary Password” or “user Password” get added to an experience?
I have 3 regular guys working my trivia nights with me. Once in a while, we bring in a couple of not so regular outsiders. When they are scheduled to work, I go into the system and change my master password to something else for that night and then switch back the next day. I am trying to avoid these guys having full access to my account. Maybe if there is a temp password put into each experience, have this as an option in the setup tabs, and if a staff member signs into the account and uses THAT password, they only have access to THAT experience.

This could be helpful for other multi=ops out there.


Yes, subaccounts with individual usernames and passwords. Primary account holder can allow and restrict certain features.

Only if Allison never finds out who is speaking for her! :laughing:

I’ve asked this too and was told it’s being worked on. :crossed_fingers:
I don’t like all my hosts having access to every single game and setting.


We need to band together! Lol


Yes! This would be helpful!

Crowdpurr for Teams is coming. :slight_smile:


F*** yeah!!! :love_you_gesture: Can’t wait!!!


Just an update, we are working on this right now. I wanted to run the functionality by you all to make sure what we’re doing sounds functional for your use-cases. Crowdpurr for Teams will have the following functionality:

  • Any standard user can create a team and become a “team owner”

  • Team owners can Invite new and existing Crowdpurr users to their team via an email invite.

  • Invitees can then click and join your team

  • As the team owner, you can set the following privileges to each of your team members for each experience:

    1. View/Run - Allow team member to view, open, and run your experience. They cannot edit it besides resetting it (still ironing out how this will work with removing participants).
    2. Edit - Allow team member all privileges of View/Run and can also edit any questions, answers, settings, etc.
    3. Delete - Allow team member all privileges of View/Run, Edit, and can also remove the experience.
    4. Create - Allow team member all of the above privileges and they can create new experiences in your account that they can access.

Additionally all of the above privileges will be able to be set globally per team member. So if you want a team member to be able to have any of the above privileges on all of your experiences, you can set that in one click - versus having to add all experiences individually.

A couple of notes:

  • The amount of team members you can add will vary based on your plan with more team members allowed on higher level plans.
  • Any team member with Delete or Create access will share the team owner’s plan.
  • All experiences accessed by team owner or team will be on the plan of the team owner and limited to that plan’s functionality.
  • Team members can still have their own individual plan and set of personal experiences that are only theirs and runs exactly how Crowdpurr does now for individual users. There will be My Experiences and now Team Experiences.
  • Team owner can edit privileges and access and remove team members at any time.

What do you think? Please post thoughts.


Hi Ross,
Love it! This will be a great added feature.

  • Garry
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Love the idea but this does not have anything to do with original topic request.
I am looking to have my hosts be limited to signing into just the game they are hosting that night. Nothing to do with players or teams
Unless im reading this wrong lol

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Oh wait. I read it wrong lol

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Hey Ross,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your team and thanks for delivering a truly great product!
It’s been 3 months since you posted about the “Crowdpurr for Teams” post…any update on this feature?
Would be great to see it rolled out asap!

Hi @garry. Happy New Year.

It will be out here in Q1. Likely a focus for February or March. We’re going to be focusing on improving existing features, shoring up some bugs and inefficiencies, and any new features will be like “Crowdpurr for Teams” where it’s an improvement on the existing functionality versus something entirely new. We’ll get to the brand new stuff later in the year.

Thanks for you patience. Allowing other users to do things to your assets within the app is involved. It’s a complicated feature that has to be threaded into the fabric of the entire app to work correctly.


Hi Ross,
Any update on this awesome feature? We’re very eager to try it out!

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It’s likely going to be slotted for May now. We have a March update coming tomorrow (Winner Reveal Animations & New Effects) and an April feature that is planned. If the April feature, which is truly amazing, doesn’t gel in the new few weeks, we’ll do Crowdpurr for Teams in April. But for right now, it will likely be May. Sorry about the delay. I think you’ll like what we have planned for April. It’s all coming. :+1:


Hey @RossN,

Does it look like we’ll still be waiting until May for Teams?

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Indeed, the plan is to have it out by the end of May. We have our April Feature Update coming early next week.

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Hey Ross… will the “Teams” feature be out by the end of May as planned?

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Yes, it is planned for late May. Early June at the latest.