[RELEASED] Additional Staff Accounts & Team Functionality

Hey Ross…any update on this?

We’ll be adding it soon. We fell into a bit of a trap on some updates we wanted to squeeze in before this that took way longer than we thought. We’ll be adding this in the next month or so. Thank you for your patience.


Talk to me!! Any update?

Hi @garry. I know we’re super-late on this. My apologies.

We’re still working out some heavy technical under-the-hood updates. I assure we’re working very hard. We’ll be shipping some new user-facing features very soon including this one.

We’re making sure Crowdpurr keeps working and stays up-to-date for the long haul.


Keeping my eyes peeled for this one! How lose are we to getting Teams? :slight_smile:

It’s in the works. Just pushing some other things that are much more long overdue out into production first. You’ll notice we’ve released several bug fix updates in the last few weeks.

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Hello Ross,
Can you provide an update on this?

Hi @garry. We’re still cranking out some old bug fixes and tickets that have been lying around for quite a long time. I know this has put a damper on shiny new features, but I assure you they are coming. As this point I won’t give you a date, as we always seem to blow past them.

We have some even bigger overhauls and design updates planned and due to the fact that the Crowdpurr Teams functionality is done and awaiting review, we have to get it out sooner versus later or else the code will have changed too much. So, it’s coming soon. That’s honestly all I can say.

There’s bigger, deeper fish that we’re frying at the moment (e.g. modernizing our payment stuff underneath the hood because it’s so old it’s about to be discontinued unless we update it). It’s stuff like that that we’ve neglected for too long due to always trying to ship shiny new features, which we love, but sometimes you have to do the less glamorous stuff, that keeps the wheels on.

Thanks for keeping us to task!


Thanks Ross!
Siunds hood!!!

Your next party’s Bartenders!

Just wanted to update you that we are finally starting on the final integration of this feature. Not super sure how long it will take, but it should be just a few weeks now. :tada: Sorry about the wait.


This is great news!!

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Hi Ross - do you have an update on this feature? Thanks!


Excellent timing. We’re almost there. Finishing up testing this week. We’re planning on a beta release this Thursday or Friday! Crowdpurr for Teams is almost here.


This is outstanding news!!!


It looks we’re gonna be about another week. This feature touches more code than any feature we’ve shipped in a long time. There’s a few snags to work out still but it’s looking very promising for late next week. Hang tight for a bit longer.


Anything new on this Ross?

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We’re hoping for a release this Thursday or Friday. We keep running into failed tests that are revealing little gaps in the implementation. As I’ve said before, this feature affects almost everything in the app. I’ll give more insight into why this took so long when we release it. We’re working really hard everyday do get this out the door (and move on to more new features).

Thank you for your interest and checking in on us!


Hi folks. Just wanted to update that we’re looking at about another week.

If this feature was a long international flight, we’ve definitely started our final descent.

But we keep finding small things that need to be addressed - for example a team member being able to do a live stream that users/affects the team owner’s account was something that caused extra work this week. Lots of examples like that.

We just want to make sure it’s fully polished for you. This one has been a major effort. Hundreds of hours. Hundreds of functions being rewritten under the hood. But it’s all coming out nicely. Can’t wait to share it.


We have finished this feature and final integration testing and Crowdpurr for Teams is ready to be released!

The feature does affect quite a bit of the surface-area of the app so we are waiting until early next week to release the open beta of the feature so to not cause any unexpected issues over the Memorial Day weekend.

With a full launch announcement, blog post, and roll out later next week.


Looking forward to it!

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