Bingo Square Draws

I would love to be able to turn rows off for bingo. For instance. If I am doing an “X” shape and we are using the free space, I will not need to draw any of the “N”'s.

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Good idea. We have an update coming soon that adds more customizable patterns for bingo. We’re still testing it, so I can’t give a timeframe but it is completed and being tested. So it should be fairly soon.

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Great! Glad to hear. Thanks!

We don’t use the trivia bingo (don’t really like it; can someone really tell the difference between a photo of a vodka tonic and a sloe gin fizz?), but we use the numbers only game often when we’re hosting larger events.

We’re very much looking forward to being able to have different patterns. (Four corners, X, full board, etc.)

We’d love to see a way to end the game and start a new round over that doesn’t require the user to refresh the page or the host to clear the guest responses or require a bunch of linked experiences. Is love to see a “Start New Game with Same Code” button after the game is ended that handles all the back end stuff for us and the player.

We’d love to see a more obvious winner announcement on the host screen - maybe an indication of user name without having to go to the standings screen.

Maybe some better stats for the hosts to help build excitement - “3 players are one away from a bingo!”

We very much enjoy the platform and look forward to it’s upcoming development!

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Copy all @jeff1. Great suggestions. We’re adding many of these very soon. We’re definitely focusing on the experience side of things.

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Any update on the Bingo pattern feature? It’s been a while since this was mentioned as “coming soon”


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It’s been almost a year since I last posted about it…

Any news on any of this? Bingo seems to almost have been completely forgotten about.

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Would be good to have this option

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Agreed. I have emailed a couple of times and requested some updates to Bingo. Its failry useless as it is now. Its not much of a selling point if all anyone has to do is keep clicking without knowing anything. My group would LOVE to play more Bingo but I can’t do it because its only a game of “who can click all of the squares faster” and really…what is the point of that?


@electrek2000, @jeff1, @jamesh, @AquariumDaily, @jennifer

Thanks for your interest and desire to see a better BINGO product. Heard and appreciated.

I’m fully aware the BINGO is a bit on the half-baked side. And indeed, we have not updated it since we launched it aside from a few bug fixes.

I can’t say when, but it is in the cards for a big iteration and update. When we do that, I will happily post the update here.


Definitely would love to see updates on Bingo!
I personally was looking for options to make smaller cards, like 2x2 or 3x3s
This would create quicker games and options for everyone.
Pattern wins would also be great.
Is it possible to opt out of the FREE square?


Hi, looking forward to a new release of Bingo. I currently use Bingo daily and would love to be able to Auto stop the game when a full card is called. Currently the game stops once all squares have been called, so I have to manually stop the game when I see somebody has reached 24 squares. As there is a free square that is un clickable nobody can ever reach 25 squares. If the game auto paused at 24 this would be awesome. Also, allowing for wins on four corners of a Bingo would be great. I am happy to work with you on any future updates to test any features out.


At our bar we have gotten tired of waiting for Bingo on this platform to be addressed and have found another subscirption service that offers everything everyone has asked for here and more. We just can’t keep waiting and waiting…

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