I was just thinking about an issue at work for somebody and it made me think of a new feature that could be a good work around for the Lag issue…
What about a ‘Crowdpurr Delay’ option. Where if I turn on Livestream, I can set a Delay. Once I figure out the lag on my live stream, I would enter it into the settings.
This would then delay any action I take by the lag I entered. Click Next Question… waits 4 seconds, then goes.
That would eliminate the need for a second person to be listening for triggers, or trying to keep time in your head while also trying to rock the hosting.
I can’t have a second person right now (no money to pay them!) so it’s all me. Anything I can do to keep my focus on the game at hand would be awesome.
Not sure what this would involve on the Crowdpurr side to make happen, but would make a pain point less painful in the meantime.