Modern Family Quiz

I swear there was a Modern Family Quiz at one point, did it get archived? Does someone here have a copy of it?

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Hi @aaron, thanks for posting! There doesn’t appear to be an existing Modern Family trivia game on the library; however, this has definitely been added to our Trivia Team’s list.

In the meantime, I’m happy to share instructions on how to pull up individual Modern Family questions on our library. When using the search bar on the Trivia Library, you can search “Modern Family”, which will pull up all matching questions.

For instance, here’s an example of the search query on the library:

Hope this helps!

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I feel like we had a Modern Family game too actually. But it’s not in the Trivia Library as Jemma states. We’ll get a fresh Modern Family game out in the next week.

Thanks for the heads up.


That would be amazing!

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