Any info on scoring answers live as they come in or allowing different points for different answers? We have discussed before and we are leaning towards this being our deciding factor to keep the current paid version of crowdpurr.
We have a feud style game. We score based on surveys. This involves each answer to be scores as they come in live. The top answer is worth 5, next is worth 4, 3 points, so on
Hi Shane. Thats a great feature idea, but it is not one that is in popular demand. So it won’t be coming soon unfortunately. But… a lot of other great things are coming.
I know there were some interested before. This would just require host to input scores manually as the answers came in. Instead of switching from questions screen and rankings screen to adjust scores. Just needing to be able to enter score manually as they come in on “text answer”
We can get more serious about this, but at the moment, the above definitions are somewhat vague. Can you please post a reply here with the exact details of how this would work ideally?
I’m tracking/hearing the following:
The various answer options of a question could have different point values? So whichever answer you pick would determine the amount of points received?
You would want a way to manually set the amount of correct points any answer sent in receives? Is this for multiple choice and text-answer style questions? Or only one these? Seems like it would make more sense for text-answer. How does this jive with the actual correct answer? Is it only if they answer correctly? Then you set the points? So any wrong answer still receives zero points?
You want an “automated” version of the above where the points are scaled down per each answer that comes in? E.g. 10 points, 9 points, 8 points, etc. This would be tricky with thousands of players. Seems like the above two options would only work well on small groups, as you can’t manually set points on incoming answers for thousands of players.
Please send in more details. And welcome to our world… where features sound amazing on paper, but then get very tricky when actually introduced to our ecosystem!
The feud game is just like Family Feud, answers are based on surveys taken. Players score 5 points for the top answer, 4 for the next, 3 points etc… There is a bonus round that players score 2 points for every question that is on the top 5 answers. Final round they get 10 points for number one, 5 for the second, zero for the third, and -10 for anything else.
Usually this involves teams in a bar setting typically anywhere from 15-40 teams. These have to be text answers, not multiple choice we don’t ant to give away the survey answers. The current way it is scored is players get scored as answers come in. So, a text answer that has no score value, instead we manually enter the value as it pops into the answers on hosts page. Just needing a way to manually score each individual answer as a host ran game
Hopefully this answers any questions. We have been running this game for 4 years and would be great if we were able to run it from the Crowdpurr platform.
I can only talk about the use case in my head. For me I do feud as a multi choice and pick the top few answers for the board. I know this would not work for everyone, but it works for me.
So in my case it would be multiple choice, each choice is assigned a point value (or 0 if needed). This makes it so I can do a “feud” style game, with 500 people. I don’t need values to scale as answers come in, I would not expect the clock to take points away, I would assume that assigning different values is enough for the system. This would also allow a horse race to work with “Win, Place and Show” values, rather than the binary of right/wrong. I can see how having a list of fill in the blanks can be too much to handle. I just want the ability to set multi choice answers of higher values.
Wait, as they come in. You have that already. Go to the yellow Rankings tab, pick the player and hit edit, and change the score. Assuming I understand what you want.
We tried that option and there’s a lot of back and forth. When you have a minimum of 20 teams per game it gets overly complicated switching back and forth between screens
Just curious, is this a possible option down the line? I want to just be able to manually put in player points as we receive the answers. I would like to do it all from one screen??? All from the questions tab or an easier way add points to players score while answers are populated, maybe I’m voting mode
I would like to see an feature such as this as well for text questions. Would like to have a name that tune segment and would like to offer 50 points for guessing the song or 50 points for guessing the artist or 100 points for guessing both. It would be great if right next to where you can select if the answer is correct if you could write in a point value at that point in the same screen.
I realize this is late, but I thought I’d offer an alternative if you’re going for the Feud experience. CrowdControlGames has some great affordable applications for running gameshow-like events. We actually use their The Feud game in tandem with CrowdPurr Polls. We can actually poll our crowd and then later run a Family Feud game utilizing the real data from our Polls.
Direct link removed by admin. It’s okay to mention competitors or other products, but please don’t link directly to them.
I don’t know what you’re running, but for us it’s not an either/or situation but an AND. CrowdPurr has so many options for our business that we can run any time and on the fly, and CCG offers one-off experiences for a polished production. We love both of them.
Not sure if that is an option for scoring. We play with at least 30 teams at a time. Will this keep track of scores for multiple teams? Is this an app also or just used as a visual?
CCG is for the visuals, not for score keeping. CCG games do what the game shows do (and in the case of their Jeopardy clone, play a few more players), but there is a reason to use BOTH Crowdpurr AND CCG at the same time.