Multiple Scoring Options For Answers

Circling back to this now that answer images are out in the wild, whew :hot_face:. So it sounds like I’m hearing the following two features are wanted:

Multiple-Choice Per-Answer Points

This is the ability to set different points values for each multiple-choice answer option. The player sees all the answer options (because it’s multiple-choice). I assume all other points inputs like question points, question timer, points wagering, etc. all don’t apply because if you’re setting points per-answer they player should receive THAT amount of points? And you would still only want one answer cast per question per player?

Set Points Per Incoming Text Answer

This is the ability to ignore all set question/answer points/timers/etc. and just set the points on every text-answer that is cast. So even if it matches (or doesn’t match) the correct answer(s) set in the text-answer question, you would still want the ability to set the points, per your own rule system. And as I noted several posts above, this would only really work on a small group as doing this with 100+ players would be unfeasible.


The second option, set points per incoming text answer is the option that would be useful for me. The family feud game we host is usually 20-50 teams.

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Hi Ross!

Just came to the community to ask about Feud-style features, so I’m happy to see they have already been requested. The ‘Multiple-Choice Per-Answer Points’ and ‘Set Points Per Incoming Text Answer’ are BOTH features that my team would love to see implemented.

For the multiple-choice option - Yes, I would imagine the other points inputs aren’t a factor, and questions using this feature would only depend on the point values set for each option. I would love this feature because then we could mix up a Feud-style game so that it doesn’t exactly mirror the famous game show.

And, of course, the text option would be critical for a Feud game. I would want to be able to pre-set point values for text answers AND to appoint values to incoming answers.

But here’s an additional idea that would help us for this game - If we could actually appoint a specific participant(s) or a specific team(s) to answer a question, so that only they may answer it. I think this is less important than the other features, but would also be helpful

Thank you for considering these features!


I totally agree. I also do Feud type games, and use multi choice, so I just want to be able to award a set number of points per answer, there is not need for any other factors to change that.

I also see this being useful for things like Horse races, since you can set points for Win, Place and Show. I guess in a dream world, I could also set correct answers as a multiplier, rather than set points, in points wager situations. That might be too much, but I feel like I should put it out there.

Thanks for giving this consideration!

Just an update, we are working on per-answer points now - where you can set individual points values on your various multiple-choice answer options. It will be coming in a few weeks!

This is the first of some of these updates we’ll be releasing.


Will there be an option for multiple scoring options as the answers come in? On a text answer, not multiple choice. As the answers come up, we can award points individually

I see that this has almost been a year. I’m curious if there is an update.

Set Points Per Incoming Text Answer

This is the ability to ignore all set question/answer points/timers/etc. and just set the points on every text-answer that is cast. So even if it matches (or doesn’t match) the correct answer(s) set in the text-answer question, you would still want the ability to set the points, per your own rule system. And as I noted several posts above, this would only really work on a small group as doing this with 100+ players would be unfeasible.

That is DEFINTELY something I’d like to use. Is it available yet, or on a roadmap?


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Hi @zionsdad. Thanks for checking in!

We are working on this feature (it’s already done for multiple-choice questions, just not released yet). It’s basically a Family Feud style feature where different answers have different points.

We’re also discussing this in another thread here - Family Feud Style Answers - #4 by RossN. The hold-up is getting this implemented for text-answer questions as well.

Something that just occurred to me, is if we simply added the ability to edit each participant’s cast answer’s points in the Crowd Activity table, this could be a simple solution for now. Especially if your group is small. Similar to how you can edit scorecards in the Rankings tab.


Hello I know you are trying to include text responses however that may take some time as there can be many spellings of an answer. I would love to start using the ability to edit the points in the crowd activity as you mentioned. This would suffice until you get the more robust text answer in line. Alternatively as answers populate can the host just assign them a point value in real time? Similar to the way the host can mark them as correct
 but instead put a numerical value. Thanks in advance. Love the product!


I’d like to throw my vote to this enhancement as well. It’s disappointing to see that this was close to being added, but then stalled due to scope creep. While making this work for text responses could be a future enhancement, making it for just multiple-choice format first makes so much sense. PLEASE add this feature! :slight_smile: