Official Version Updates

Version 3.8.5 - New Features & Bug Fixes :sparkles: :lady_beetle:

New Features :sparkles:

  • Question Links - You can now add hyperlinks to questions. Hyperlinks display underneath the question on the Mobile View and can be clicked on at any time. These are useful for slower-paced or educational experiences, where the intent is to have the player click on the hyperlink to read some text or watch a video, then return to the experience to answer the question. They are typically used without question timers. This was a Crowdpurr Custom feature that we have released to the general user-base finally. You can still add hyperlinks to Question Notes, but Question Links are always present under the question, versus having to enable the Question Note and interrupt crowd interaction.
  • Auto-Start When Countdown Ends - You can now set if you want your experience to automatically start or not when a Countdown Timer ends. This is useful if you have a long Countdown Timer for an upcoming event (e.g. several hours or more) and when the timer ends, you want to stream or present some content prior to actually starting the experience. Additionally, upon clicking the Experience Dashboard’s Start Countdown button, a new option allows you to skip the Countdown Timer. This is useful for when you have a Countdown Timer that has ended, you then present additional content, and you do actually need to start the experience, you can just skip the set Countdown Timer versus having to manually remove it before starting the experience. As you wouldn’t want to run the Countdown Timer again after having already run it.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the Experience Dashboard’s Quick Stats Per-Question Answers would not work unless the user was on the Questions tab
  • Fixed bingo issues where the Call Bingo Square (S) and Call All Squares (X) bingo buttons would be grayed out and/or wouldn’t work unless on the Bingo Game tab on the Experience Dashboard
  • Fixed a bug where VIP Guest List notification emails were not displaying new lines correctly and all the text was smashed together on a single line.
  • Fixed a bug where all participants would get removed upon importing questions via CSV to an experience that had existing participants
  • Fixed a bug where upon clicking the set Next Round experience link or triggering a Next Round, the destination Experience Dashboard would not function correctly and display errors.
  • Fixed a bug when using Crowdpurr within Webex it would not show the Open Together button upon opening an Experience Dashboard
  • Fixed a bug where trivia games and polls with many text-answer questions would not import correctly from CSV nor would the Experience Dashboard Summary tab fully load.
  • Other minor bug fixes

This was a nice maintenance update! More minor features and bug fixes coming too!

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