Official Version Updates

Version 3.7.0 - Experience Dashboard Performance and Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Although not a major feature update, we fixed a lot of issues.

  • Data table fixes! The data tables on the Crowd Activity tab, the Lead Capture → Participants tab, the Lead Capture → VIP Guest List, and the Lead Capture → Notifications now all function properly. With full search and sort support on every column of the table. These had been broken for a long time. They were also updated to require pressing the Enter to search to improve performance. :partying_face:
  • The Experience Dashboard and Experience List are much faster! We added new data caching so now loading your list of experiences will be much faster after the first time. The same for each Experience Dashboard page as well. After the initial load, it will load much faster. So navigating back and forth will be much snappier. Especially for those with a lot of experiences.
  • Corrected issues with the layout of unapproved text answers and unapproved social posts in the Experience Dashboard before being approved.
  • Additional minor bug fixes.

Version 3.7.1 - Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where bingo squares on the Experience Dashboard no longer displayed the “Edit” pencil button.
  • Fixed a bug where adding questions from the trivia library from the Experience Dashboard was not refreshing with the newly added questions correctly.
  • Other minor bugs.

Version 3.7.2 - Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a where drag n’ drop reordering of experiences wouldn’t work upon returning to the Experience List page
  • Fixed a bug where removing a set Next Round experience wouldn’t update on the Experience Dashboard
  • Other minor bugs.

The above are all related to the 3.7.0 update where we added caching to enhance the speed of the Experience Dashboard. These are the last few minor bug fixes we’ve found. More signficant feature updates coming very soon.


Version 3.7.3 - New Interface Features :sparkles:

On the Experience Dashboard → Settings → Interface Settings tab we have added two new interface settings:

  • Hide Question Numbers - This allows you to hide the question number on both the Mobile View and Projector View
  • Hide Instructions on Mobile View - This allows you to hide the dark instructions block above every question (e.g. This trivia game has 16 questions. Questions will get updated by your host.).


  • Custom answer colors can now be fully opaque using the Custom Answer Color picker. Custom answer colors will no longer be shown with a slight transparency on the Projector View by default (similar to the standard choosable colors) unless transparency is added intentionally using the new color picker.
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Version 3.7.4 - Interface Tweaks :sparkles: , Survivor Mode Fixes :trophy: , and other Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Interface Updates:

  • Added a new “+” tab button along the Question tabs on the Experience Dashboard to easily add a new blank question.
  • Updated VIP Guest List Notifications to only allow a notification to be run once. Added a clone button to easily clone a notification that has already run. This matches the functionality of Lotteries.
  • Minor visual tweaks.

Survivor Mode Trivia:

  • Host updates to correct answers on the Experience Dashboard now reactively update player “eliminated” statuses. For example, if the host changes an incorrect answer to correct, and it was the player’s only incorrect answer, they will no longer be eliminated. And vice versa. That has been needed for a long time.
  • Fixed a bug where players would be incorrectly eliminated upon returning to the Mobile View web browser after leaving to a different web page or app on their device or computer.

Bug Fixes:

  • The Sync Projector View setting is now available for Bingo experiences on the Projector View
  • Fixed a bug where importing question and answer images from CSV would cause an error if their URLs contained query parameters. This would happen if the user right-clicked saved their from the app.
  • Fixed a bug where a Twitch stream would keep playing after canceling out of its pop-up when adding a live Twitch stream
  • Fixed a bug where a Next Round experience after triggering would automatically start instead of waiting for its Scheduled Start Time if it had one set
  • Fixed a bug where backspace and shift + tab weren’t working correctly when editing a bingo game’s title letter squares
  • Fixed a bug where some answer-options on questions could not be removed in Host Controlled Mode and Crowd Controlled Mode experiences if the experience was active.
  • When downgrading from a Seminar Plan or higher, any custom set Experience codes won’t be lost for three days allowing the user time to re-upgrade and save their custom Experience codes. Previously they were lost immediately causing problems for users who accidentally downgraded, but wished to stay upgraded and keep their custom Experience codes.
  • Several internal developer-feature updates.
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Version 3.7.5 - More Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

The data caching/optimization updates we made previously to the Experience Dashboard have continued to cause some minor bugs. We are confident we have most of them squashed and appreciate the bug reports from our users.

  • Fixed a critical cheating vulnerability on the Mobile View where the correct answers were still being delivered to the browser prior to being revealed by the host using the Show Correct Answer (C) view.
  • Fixed a bug where upon creating or navigating to an existing bingo game, the Call Square button would not work until the browser was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug where the Experience Dashboard’s Per-Question Answers Quick Stat widget would not report participant answer counts correctly.
  • Fixed a bug where a newly added question would not display an added answer image until refreshing.
  • Fixed a bug in Crowd Controlled Mode when a participant would not answer a text/numerical answer, the Show Answer Results (A) view would show a blank answer.
  • Several more minor bugs and optimizations.
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Version 3.8.0 - Official August 2022 Updates & Bug Fixes


  • :movie_camera: Native Live Streaming - Live host your trivia game with one-click, real-time native live streaming right from the Experience Dashboard! Supports OBS integration and recording on higher level plans.
  • :movie_camera: On-Demand Video - The previous embedded YouTube and Twitch streaming is now called On-Demand Video and allows you to add up to ten videos and trigger them dynamically.
  • :movie_camera: New Full Screen live stream Mobile View layout option.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • All data tables across the app (e.g. Crowd Activity, Participants, Notifications, VIP Guest List, etc.) have been updated to allow searching and sorting on all columns. This was a long-standing issue and previously searching for anything usually returned blank results.
  • Hide Question Numbers on the Mobile View
  • Hide Instructions Block on the Mobile View

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed additional bugs related to data caching on the Experience Dashboard
  • Minor internationalization issues. NOTE: Internationalization will be overhauled and corrected soon. The current translations are problematic due to original implementation. Please bear with us.

Version 3.8.1 - Streaming Bug Fix / Improvement :movie_camera: :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Upon releasing native streaming yesterday we immediately got feedback (and witnessed ourselves) that if you have multiple webcams (or a physical webcam and any number of virtual cameras), Crowdpurr would choose a default which may not be the one you want and there was no way to change it. One of our amazing developers quickly wrote a patch that now allows camera selection when enabling a dashboard stream. This is not an issue in OBS streaming as you can choose the desired webcam OBS.
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Version 3.8.2 - Yet Another Streaming Bug Fix :movie_camera: :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • This is a fix to the fix! This update fixes an issue for new users only where our patch update to list out the camera sources available to the browser wasn’t asking for permissions correctly. This slipped out because it’s not detectable for previous users who have granted permission in a prior release.
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Version 3.8.3 - Live Streaming Billing Changes :movie_camera:

Live Streaming Billing Updates

  • After some helpful responses from our user base, we have updated live streaming time to renew each month for lower-level plans. The lower-level plans now have the following renewable streaming minutes each month:

    • Basic Plan - 15 minutes
    • Classroom Plan - 30 minutes
    • Seminar Plan - 60 minutes

The minutes do not roll over each month, so they are “use-or-lose.” This feels like a better fit for the lower-level plans. You can still purchase a la carte minutes if needed. Live streaming is a premium feature so a higher upgrade may still be needed if you’re planning to stream a lot.


Version 3.8.4 - Live Streaming Updates & Bug Fixes :movie_camera::lady_beetle:

Live Streaming Updates :movie_camera:

  • Lowered the default volume of sound effects. They weren’t balanced to the volume of live streams.
  • Live streams now minimize when starting or stopping an experience.
  • Live streams now obey the Mute Sounds setting on the Mobile View’s menu and will start muted when sounds are muted.
  • Improved live stream layout and styling (CSS) on the Experience Dashboard when on very narrow resolutions.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where pressing the back button in the browser when a pop-up was open on the Experience Dashboard left a dark background and locked up the app until it was refreshed.
  • Fixed active tab title font colors on the Experience Wizard and Profile pages
  • Removed the Points Wager Time input from the Poll’s Experience Dashboard Question Timer settings.
  • Fixed a bug where some incorrectly processed HTML code was displaying in the upper-left corner of the Projector View.
  • Fixed a bug where deselecting already selected trivia library games when creating a new trivia game from multiple trivia library games would throw an error upon clicking Rock & Roll to create your trivia game.
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Version 3.8.5 - New Features & Bug Fixes :sparkles: :lady_beetle:

New Features :sparkles:

  • Question Links - You can now add hyperlinks to questions. Hyperlinks display underneath the question on the Mobile View and can be clicked on at any time. These are useful for slower-paced or educational experiences, where the intent is to have the player click on the hyperlink to read some text or watch a video, then return to the experience to answer the question. They are typically used without question timers. This was a Crowdpurr Custom feature that we have released to the general user-base finally. You can still add hyperlinks to Question Notes, but Question Links are always present under the question, versus having to enable the Question Note and interrupt crowd interaction.
  • Auto-Start When Countdown Ends - You can now set if you want your experience to automatically start or not when a Countdown Timer ends. This is useful if you have a long Countdown Timer for an upcoming event (e.g. several hours or more) and when the timer ends, you want to stream or present some content prior to actually starting the experience. Additionally, upon clicking the Experience Dashboard’s Start Countdown button, a new option allows you to skip the Countdown Timer. This is useful for when you have a Countdown Timer that has ended, you then present additional content, and you do actually need to start the experience, you can just skip the set Countdown Timer versus having to manually remove it before starting the experience. As you wouldn’t want to run the Countdown Timer again after having already run it.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the Experience Dashboard’s Quick Stats Per-Question Answers would not work unless the user was on the Questions tab
  • Fixed bingo issues where the Call Bingo Square (S) and Call All Squares (X) bingo buttons would be grayed out and/or wouldn’t work unless on the Bingo Game tab on the Experience Dashboard
  • Fixed a bug where VIP Guest List notification emails were not displaying new lines correctly and all the text was smashed together on a single line.
  • Fixed a bug where all participants would get removed upon importing questions via CSV to an experience that had existing participants
  • Fixed a bug where upon clicking the set Next Round experience link or triggering a Next Round, the destination Experience Dashboard would not function correctly and display errors.
  • Fixed a bug when using Crowdpurr within Webex it would not show the Open Together button upon opening an Experience Dashboard
  • Fixed a bug where trivia games and polls with many text-answer questions would not import correctly from CSV nor would the Experience Dashboard Summary tab fully load.
  • Other minor bug fixes

This was a nice maintenance update! More minor features and bug fixes coming too!

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Version 3.8.6 - New Features & Bug Fixes :sparkles: :lady_beetle:

New Features :sparkles:

  • Printable Question Summary - You can now print or save a PDF of a printer-friendly Summary Tab. This makes it easy to create a reference of all the questions and their answers.
  • Shuffle Answers Option - When shuffling questions on the Experience Dashboard, previously the answer orders within each question were never shuffled. We now provide an option, enabled by default, that shuffles the answer orders too.
  • In-App URL Updates - The URLs for the Experience Dashboard and Experience Viewer have updated to a simpler URL scheme. The Experience Dashboard is now experience/<id> instead of experienceSetup/<id> and the Projector View is now viewer/<id> instead of experienceViewer/<id> respectively. All uses of the old URL scheme will redirect to the new scheme automatically. So this should be non-disruptive.
  • Redesigned About Us Page - The in-app About Us page now features our latest blog posts, Instagram posts, and links to all of our media.
  • Updated Contact Us Page - The in-app Contact Us page has been updated with links to our phone, email, and chat customer support along with our social media channels.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where importing a spreadsheet of questions could cause the Experience Dashboard to load forever until it was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug that was allowing more than ten on-demand videos to be added.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn’t remove live stream recordings upon removing an experience and removing a user account
  • When doing a Dashboard Stream, pressing Stop Stream now pauses the stream timer versus resetting it. Upon pressing Go Live again, the stream timer resumes.
  • Fixed timer and state issues when stopping an OBS live stream.
  • Fixed a bug where Auto-Reset Participant Devices when used in Crowd Controlled Mode would crash on the Mobile View when resetting.
  • Fixed a bug where underlines were not saved in the Question Note editor.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on Q10 of an active Crowd Controlled Mode poll or trivia game with exactly ten questions would cause the Experience Dashboard to crash.
  • Fixed a bug where the Mobile View would infinitely load when a bingo game used Allow Participants To Sign Back In and participant had an existing bingo card with marked squares.
  • Fixed numerous minor internal admin, testing, and security issues.
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Version 3.8.7 - Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a security bug from Friday’s 3.8.6 update that caused the rankings to not display on the Mobile View and also caused points wager questions to no longer work.
  • Temporarily removed another security update that was causing a blank question to load.

Please accept our apologies for these issues. In trying to secure the app and trivia game product, we accidentally let these slip out. Will review more thoroughly in the future.

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Version 3.9.0 - Official October 2022 Product Updates & Bug Fixes


  • New Trivia Library - In celebration of 1000 published original trivia games in our library, we’re launching an all-new trivia library! With the following features: :arrow_down:
  • Question Search - You can now search for individual questions and add them to your trivia games.
  • Instant “Play Now” QR Codes - Want to try a game out and see how you stack up? Just scan the QR code and play it instantly. Then see how you rank against others who played!
  • Question Answers - Each question’s answers are now viewable before adding to your trivia game.
  • New Writer Pages - We’re celebrating our amazing trivia writers with dedicated pages to their work including their rank, how many times their games have been cloned, and more!
  • New Trending Packs & Game of the Month - We’ve added new “Trending Packs” to easily view all our library games on a given trend (e.g. Thanksgiving). We’re also highlighting our “Game of the Month” every month!
  • Simplified Design - We’ve removed unneeded checkboxes and options and simplified the design that shows off each trivia game in all its glory.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • Lots of new minor updates from the last few versions including Printable Question Summaries, Question Links, and more!

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where bingo squares on the Experience Dashboard no longer displayed the edit button
  • Fixed configuration issues with sound effects and music that were causing excessive console errors and background music to not play on the Projector View.
  • Fixed a bug where if a question’s media has a small GIF or image added, it would display small on the Projector View and Mobile View. These now stretch up to a fuller size similar to larger GIFs and images. Question media images now vertically center correctly on the Mobile View. Also reduced the size of uploaded logos on the Mobile View to increase real-estate for the question.
  • Fixed a bug with the live video preview not displaying on the Experience Dashboard when doing a Dashboard Stream.
  • Fixed a bug where live streaming in OBS would not display on participant Mobile Views.
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent “unlimited” Conference and Convention Plan users from starting a new stream.
  • Fixed a bug where setting the description of an experience to blank on the inputs at the top of the Experience Dashboard would not immediately remove it from the Mobile View.
  • Fixed a bug where having a very wide, vertically short experience logo would cause question media (e.g. YouTube, GIFs, images) to be very small.
  • Fixed a bug where active polls and trivia games in Fully Automatic Mode or Crowd Controlled Mode couldn’t have the visible question updated using the arrow key shortcuts or the Active Question control. Using the arrow keys or the active question tool now behaves how clicking the question’s tab on the Experience Dashboard does.
  • Fixed a bug where many duplicate “Active question is being controlled automatically” notifications would display on the Experience Dashboard and Projector View when trying to switch the viewable question when a poll or trivia game was active in Fully Automatic Mode or Crowd Controlled Mode. Now only one notification displays.
  • Now when switching the viewable question for active polls and trivia games in Fully Automatic Mode, there is an “arrow” tab added along the Experience Dashboard’s question tabs and an “arrow” button added on the Active Question control that when clicked will return the user to the current active question.
  • Fixed a bug where importing a CSV of questions for poll and trivia games would work correctly but display an error about the question images not being found.

Version 3.9.1 - Trivia Library Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Library searches no longer return the Write Your Own category for bingo games, trivia games, and trivia questions.
  • When adding trivia library questions from the Experience Dashboard, the added questions list now reflects the actual number where each question will be inserted into the trivia game.
  • Fixed a bug when adding trivia library questions from the Experience Dashboard, the added questions would not maintain their order.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on the Top Writer would navigate top their page.
  • Minor error handling, label, and copy updates.
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Version 3.9.2 - Trivia Library Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where clicking on library questions of type text or numerical would not show the correct answer options.
  • When searching for library questions, added an arrow button on each question to easily view the trivia game where the question resides. This also displays in the Added Questions view.
  • Fixed a minor image formatting issue on the Mobile View that was causing question images to not correctly have a rounded border.
  • Minor label updates.
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Version 3.9.3 - Trivia Library Holiday Update

Updates :christmas_tree:

  • Updated the trivia and bingo library’s highlighted items to Holiday content.
  • Several other minor updates.
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Version 3.9.4 - Minor Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where Play Now QR codes (and links) would not start on the first question of the trivia game.
  • An active live stream now automatically minimizes when triggering Show Rankings Leaderboard (R).
  • Several additional minor bug fixes and tweaks.


  • Updated the trivia library’s highlighted items to the latest holiday content added this week :christmas_tree:
  • Several other minor updates.
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Version 3.9.5 - Minor Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixes a bug with using Log In With Facebook
  • Other Minor bug fixes


  • Trivia Night Holiday Party 2022 update that included demonstrations of two forthcoming features.
  • Other minor visual updates.
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