Official Version Updates

Version 4.1.6 - New Data Tables & Search


  • New Data Tables - All data tables throughout the Experience Dashboard have been revamped including totally rebuilding the search bar. Now searching for votes, participants, your VIP guest list, and more is much easier, faster, and better. Unlike before, almost every field is now searchable and sortable. This update has been needed for years.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: The Crowd Activity table for polls and trivia games now as an Answer Index column to easily see the index of the chosen answer (e.g. “A”, “B”, “C”, etc.).
  • Other minor UI updates.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where setting Final Rankings Leaderboard to “Don’t Show Final Rankings” was still showing the rankings on Crowd Controlled Mode trivia games. Also fixed a bug where updating this setting was not updating the Participant View’s Final Rankings in real-time once the trivia game ended.
  • Fixed a bug where moving an answer option from a “Drag and Drop Order” question on the Experience Dashboard would not update an existing vote’s order in the Crowd Activity table.
  • Fixed a bug where updating the text of an answer option from a “Drag and Drop Order” question would incorrectly update an existing vote to only that answer (instead of the new answer text within the appropriate order).

NOTE TO OUR USERS: This update took much longer than expected and involved a lot of under-the-hood changes that aren’t very noticeable or glamourous. Know that we are always working to improve the app and its performance for the long haul. And we have some very, very cool features that have been waiting in the queue and we will be moving a lot of updates out in the next few months. Thanks for your patience! :blue_heart: