Official Version Updates

Version 3.9.6 - Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixes issues with Poll “Yes/No” and “Like/Dislike” questions not working
  • Fixes a bug with some trivia questions’ and bingo game’s Crowd Activity not updating when players cast votes or mark bingo squares.
  • Fixes issue with players earning bingos not updating the Rankings, score tallies, and Crowd Activity.
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Version 3.9.7 - Trivia Library Year in Review Update

Updates :clinking_glasses:

  • Updated the trivia library’s highlighted items to Year in Review content. :clinking_glasses:
  • Several other minor updates.

Happy New Year from everyone at Crowdpurr! :sparkler:

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It’s our first update of 2023 :partying_face: This update fixes some security issues that were found during our holiday rush of 2022. Thanks to all the users for the great reports. We have a lot of queued up features to release and that is our primary focus of Q1.

Version 3.9.8 - Security, Sign-In Flow, & Cheat Vulnerability Updates

Updates :star2:

  • Allow Participants To Remove Data - Added a new setting that allows the host to set if participants can remove their participant data. If disabled, this prevents participants from removing their participant accounts and data (from the upper-right corner of the Mobile View). This is especially important in the both Crowd Controlled Mode and Fully Automatic Mode with Restart Experience Automatically. Both of these modes allow the trivia game to be played more than once if a participant removes their participant account and data. Previously this was always allowed to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), however, it has negative effects for these types of trivia games. Later this year, we will expand on this issue to still allow participants a method of requesting their data be removed by the host. For now, this is disabled by default on all existing and new experiences so participants cannot willfully remove their data without the host’s approval. As this also leads to a permanent data loss of the record/audit of the trivia game, poll, etc. Host users are free to re-enable this feature if needed.
  • Sign Out Duplicate Participants - Now when a Sign Back In occurs using a participant’s email or phone number when Allow Participants To Sign Back In is enabled, any other browsers currently signed in with the same participant account will be signed out. Previously, the Mobile View would allow both players to play and only accept the first answer (or bingo square) and throw an error for any duplicate submission for the same question (or bingo square). Now, only the latest “sign in” will be allowed to play. Additionally, if more than one participant tries to sign in at the exact same time with the same credentials, only the first will be accepted. This is not a setting and is enforced by default across the application.
  • Removed the Participants Sign In First option under Leads → Lead Capture Settings → Participant Settings and all experiences now require that participants sign in first. Continuing to support signing in after answering the first question was causing too many problems in the current design. We will re-introduce an enhanced version of this feature later this year. An updated version will allow you to configure how many questions can be answered before requiring a sign-in. Even adding your Sign-In at the very end of a poll or trivia game. For now though, it is removed while we redesign.
  • Polls without any lead capture fields now require that a Join button on the Sign-In page be pressed to enter an experience. Previously they automatically bypassed the Sign-In page (as there are no lead capture fields to enter). This flow was updated to reduce code complexity and keep all experience types’ Sign-In flow in sync.
  • The title of an experience is now displayed on the Sign-In page of the Mobile View.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug when two participants try to sign in at the same time with the same credentials (e.g. same email or phone number) when Allow Participants To Sign Back In is enabled, the second one to sign in will receive an an error. Previously both participants could sign in using the same credentials.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicate users with the same email and/or phone number could be created when using Allow Participants To Sign Back In.
  • Fixed a bug where during Crowd Controlled Mode trivia games, players could answer the same questions more than once and score multiple points.
  • Fixed a bug in Crowd Controlled Mode, where once completing all trivia questions, then signing in from another device using Allow Participants to Sign Back In, the Mobile View would incorrectly display a trivia question instead of the final rankings and then enter a “stuck” state.
  • Fixed a bug in Crowd Controlled Mode that would always display a question with its time run out when using Allow Participants to Sign Back In.
  • Fixed a bug in Crowd Controlled Mode that could cause an already answered question to get in a “stuck” state when using Allow Participants to Sign Back In.
  • Fixed a bug where if a host added or edited an email address or a phone number on a participant, that participant could not “sign back in” using the updated email/phone number when Allow Participants To Sign Back In was enabled. It would instead create a duplicate participant account.
  • Fixed a bug where two participants signed in with the same participant account could mark the same bingo square at the same time and receive double points. Not only is this issue fixed if it happens, but to further prevent this we now sign out duplicate participants upon a new sign-in on the same participant account (see new issue above).
  • Fixed a bug on the About Us page that was returning an error for the “Latest Blog Posts.”
  • Several other minor updates.

Version 4.0.0 - Official January 2023 Updates & Bug Fixes


  • Drag & Drop Order Questions - We’ve added an all new question type where your participants must drag the answers into the correct order to answer the question correctly! When adding this question type, simply arrange your answer options into the correct order on the Experience Dashboard. Crowdpurr scrambles the answers for all participants and on the Presentation View. Enabling Show Live Answers will animate the answers into the top voted order! Enabling Show Correct Answer will animate the answers into the correct order! Drag & Drop Order Questions are fully compatible with importing and exporting questions, Crowd Activity display and export, Results View, and also work with Polls.
  • Answer Stats Bar - You’ll notice on the Presentation View and the Participant View we now display the amount of answers submitted and the percent correct in a newly added Answer Stats Bar. These stats are also now shown on the Experience Dashboard’s Question tab and the Summary tab for each question. NOTE: Enabling Hide Vote Counts under the Settings → Interface tab will correctly hide the “Answers Received” stat on the new Answer Stats Bar.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • The Projector View has been renamed to the Presentation View, for better understanding of its purpose.
  • The Mobile View has been renamed to the Participant View, for better understanding of its purpose.
  • The entire app received a small face-lift. You’ll notice slight design tweaks on the Experience Dashboard, the Presentation View, and the Participant View.
  • The Question Timer’s design has been updated on the Presentation View and the Participant View to a more inlined display.
  • The design of the Participant View’s “finished” state including the final rankings has been updated.
  • The Summary tab on the Experience Dashboard and Participant View Results Summary received a design refresh that corrects several issues.
  • All participants, including Individual, Basic Team, and Advanced Team, all get scorecards created immediately upon signing into a trivia game. The rankings now display all participants with zero points/zero percent correct immediately. Participants no longer need to answer a question before being added to the rankings displays.
  • Added missing internationalization for all languages on the Presentation View and Participant View (e.g. Points Wagering, Answer Stats Bar, etc.)

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the Experience Dashboard’s questions would get stuck loading after importing questions, shuffling questions, or adding questions from the trivia library if the Presentation View was also open.
  • Fixed a bug where the Participant View sign-in page would not show a custom uploaded logo if the first question had a question image added.
  • Fixed a bug where when using Next Round between trivia games, players who played an Individual trivia game would not be asked to join a team when the next game was an Advanced Mode Team Trivia game.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bingo Experience Dashboard buttons “Call Square” and “Call All Squares” could be pressed before starting the bingo game.
  • Other minor interface issues.
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Version 4.0.1 - Additional Bug Fixes for January Update

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Finally fixed a long-standing bug where participants would intermittently see Wrong Answer on their device despite answering correctly. See our January Product Update blog post for details on the issue.
  • Fixed a bug where the % Answered Correct stat on the new Answer Stats Bar would show 0% on the Participant View if the host jumped straight to Show Correct Answers (C) without enabling Show Answer Results (A) first.
  • Fixed a bug where some text-answer votes were not being recorded by the app.
  • Fixed a bug where updating the correct answer(s) on a Multiple-Choice or Text/Numerical Question after votes were received was not updating the scoring, votes, participant devices, or Answer Stats Bar.
  • Fixed a bug where an Answer Image could not be removed after it was added to an answer option.
  • Fixed a bug where Polls would show the Answers Received stat on the Answer Stats Bar before a vote was cast when Show Live Answer Results (A) is always enabled.
  • Minor visual fixes.

Version 4.0.2 - Additional Bug Fixes for January Update

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • Added a new Sign Out menu option in the upper-right dropdown menu of the Participant View that allows participants to simply sign out of the Participant View.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a recently introduced bug where cloning a question on the Experience Dashboard would result with no answer options added until the page was refreshed.
  • Fixed a bug where Drag & Drop Order questions weren’t being labeled correctly in the Trivia Library when viewing a library trivia game.
  • Fixed a bug where importing Drag & Drop Order questions from a CSV could allow less than the minimum required number of answer options for the question type (which is three).
  • For trivia Drag & Drop Order questions, updated the Experience Dashboard’s Summary tab to show the % Answer Correct in the question’s bar charts, which matches the Participant View’s Results Summary for trivia Drag & Drop Order questions.
  • For poll Drag & Drop Order questions, updated the Experience Dashboard’s Summary tab to show the Top Voted Order in the question’s bar charts, which matches the Participant View’s Results Summary for trivia Drag & Drop Order questions.
  • Fixed a bug where poll Drag & Drop Order questions would reorder to the Top Voted Answer on the Participant View before the participant voted, on polls that always have Show Live Answer Results (A) enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where bingo games would hide the game’s logo on the Participant View Sign-In page if a bingo square had already been called.
  • Fixed a minor bug where bingo games with Hide Column Letters disabled were not displaying called bingo squares’ columns in the Summary and Crowd Activity tabs on the Experience Dashboard and in the Crowd Activity CSV export.
  • Fixed a bug where published trivia library games were only allowing up to 20 participants in the Play Now! mode. All published trivia library games now allow up to 5000 participants in the Play Now! mode.
  • Updated the design of Like/Dislike and Yes/No poll questions on the Participant View and the Presentation View.
  • Fixed several internal/admin usage issues.
  • Minor visual fixes.

Version 4.0.3 - Account-Related Security & Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • On free Basic Plan experiences and Play Now! library trivia games, added new “Try Crowdpurr” advertisement messages to the Participant View pop-up that displays when a participant sends a response. These messages do not display on upgraded plans.
  • Updated reCAPTCHA security when creating a new Crowdpurr account that better prevents spam accounts.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a recently introduced bug preventing users from deleting their Crowdpurr account.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow a user to use Sign In With Facebook after initially using only an email and password to sign in.
  • Fixed a bug that would not allow a user to use Sign In With Facebook again after disconnecting a previous Facebook account using the Disconnect Facebook function on the Profile page. The user can now Sign In With Facebook again and retrieve their same Crowdpurr account if logged into the same Facebook account.
  • Fixed a bug where a password reset email, to set a standard password, would not be sent after using the Disconnect Facebook function on the Profile page after setting up Sign In With Facebook.
  • Deleting a Crowdpurr account now also removes Crowdpurr’s Facebook access if a user used Sign In With Facebook.
  • For security, deleting a Crowdpurr account now requires a Crowdpurr password be set if the user only uses Sign In With Facebook. This is done through a password reset email.
  • Fixed several UI issues when deleting Crowdpurr account and also when using the Disconnect Facebook function
  • Minor visual fixes.

Version 4.0.4 - Critical Bug Fix

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a critical trivia bug that, in a fairly rare edge case, would mark correctly answered incoming text-answers as incorrect and not award points.
  • Fixed a minor bug where if using a Custom URL in Gateway Mode and an invalid experience code or URL was entered, the browser would refresh to the default Crowdpurr code gateway instead of the Custom URL gateway.

Version 4.0.5 - Critical Drag & Drop Order Bug Fix, New Bingo Feature

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • Bingo games now have a Bingo Square Call Timer input on the Settings → Playback & Timing tab that allows the user to set the amount of time between called bingo squares when using Fully Automatic Mode.
  • Updated the Trivia Library’s Trending Pack to games related to Women’s History Month.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a critical trivia bug where after removing a Drag & Drop Order answer option on the Experience Dashboard, any correctly cast answers by players may not be awarded as correct.
  • Fixed a minor bug where the Participant View would show the Try Crowdpurr Free option in the upper-right navigation menu, after upgrading to the Classroom Plan or higher.
  • Fixed an issue where the % Answered Correct in the Answer Stats Bar on the Experience Dashboard, Presenter View, and Participant View could display a number higher than 100%.
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Version 4.0.6 - Critical Bug Fix

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a recently introduced bug that could allow more than one trivia vote to be cast on the same question thus allowing duplicate points, especially exploitable when using Crowd Controlled Mode and Fully Automatic Mode with Restart Experience Automatically enabled. As these two modes inherently will let players revisit questions again.

Version 4.1.0 - Official March 2023 Updates & Bug Fixes


  • Winner Reveal Animations - Show off your top three ranked trivia (or bingo) players in awesome, fun winner reveal animations! Our new animations reward your top three players with a bronze, silver, and gold trophy and put their names in the lights! Winner Reveal Animations are optional and can be enabled or disabled using the Experience Dashboard’s new Settings → Playback & Timing → Experience Playback Mode → Winner Reveal Animation section.
  • Action Effects - All new fun particle effects including confetti, stars, and more. We’ve sprinkled fun new effects all throughout the application like when players answer a trivia question correctly, earn a bingo, and more! Action Effects are optional and can be enabled or disabled using the Experience Dashboard’s new Settings → Interface → Show Action Effects setting.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

Experience Dashboard:

  • Now when on the final question of a trivia game and enabling Show Rankings Leaderboard (R), a pop-up will ask if you would rather “Finish the Trivia Game” or “Show Rankings Leaderboard.” This was added so you don’t trigger the rankings instead of finishing the trivia game, which will show the Winner Reveal Animations and/or the rankings set under Settings → Playback & Timing → Final Rankings Leaderboard. In other words, there’s no need to show rankings after the last question. You should instead simply “Finish” the trivia game by pressing the “Stop” button in the Experience Dashboard’s Playback Control.
  • Relating to the above, now when running a Fully Automatic Mode trivia game and Show Rankings Leaderboard Automatically is enabled, the final question’s rankings will not be shown. Instead, the trivia game will automatically be finished which shows the Winner Reveal Animations (if enabled) and the rankings set by the Final Rankings Leaderboard.
  • Added a new Throw Confetti keyboard shortcut. Simply press the Y key to throw confetti on the Presentation View, Participant View, and the Experience Dashboard. This has been added to the list of keyboard shortcuts on the Experience Dashboard.

Participant View:

  • When using Percentage Correct Mode Trivia Format, the player’s Percent Answered Correct now displays in the upper-left-corner as they play. Previously, nothing was shown when using Percentage Correct Mode.
  • The circular Player Summary, when a trivia or bingo game is finished, now displays a player’s Percent Answered Correct (when using Percentage Correct Mode) or Questions Answered Correct (when using Survivor Mode) in the circle when using those modes. Previously, the circular Player Summary was only shown in Points Mode.
  • Previously, the Question Number was never displayed when using Fully Automatic Mode and Restart Experience Automatically. This mode now respects the Hide Question Numbers setting under the Experience Dashboard’s Settings → Interface tab. Feel free to either enable or disable Question Numbers when using any Experience Playback Mode configuration.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug when using Fully Automatic Mode with Restart Experience Automatically enabled and Clear Crowd Responses Automatically enabled. Previously, after the final question, the trivia game would abruptly reset and start the first question again without showing any final rankings or results nor a new “Initial” or “Countdown” state. Now, the trivia game will display any enabled Winner Reveal Animations and show the Final Rankings Leaderboard for sufficient time. It will then reset to the “Initial” state (e.g. “Trivia Game Will Begin Soon”). Then after five seconds, it will start any set Countdown Timer. When the countdown expires, the trivia game will start again. This is a much smoother, participant-friendly loop versus how it ran before.
  • Fixed a bug on both the Presentation View and Participant View where the Question Timer’s points label would have unpleasant jumpiness as it counted down the points.
  • Fixed a bug where the % Answered Correct on the Experience Dashboard’s Question tab could be incorrect after cloning a trivia game and/or cloning a trivia question with existing answers.
  • Fixed a bug where a dark layer would remain over the application after upgrading and then clicking the Create Experiences button.
  • Fixed a bug where the older “CPQ” Survivor Trivia logo still appears on the Presentation View rather than the new “Survivor Style” Survivor Trivia logo.
  • Fixed a bug where the icon graphic was missing on the Participant View when the Next Round pop-up appeared and a player was not eligible for the next round.
  • Fixed a bug where high-participant custom users could not request a data export.
  • Other minor interface issues.
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Version 4.1.1 - Bug Fixes to Winner Reveal Animations

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • Crowdpurr’s Customer Support number has been updated! Please review the Contact Us page for the new number. All references to the old number were updated throughout the app.
  • Similar to how Fully Automatic Mode trivia games were updated in the 4.1.0 update, Crowd Controlled Mode trivia games now no longer display the rankings after the final question (i.e. when Show Rankings Leaderboard Automatically is enabled) if the Final Rankings Leaderboard is set to show the rankings. As this would be redundant and spoil the final rankings.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug on the Presentation View where Action Effects (e.g. confetti and star effects during Winner Reveal Animations) were not working when the Presentation View was in fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where Polls and Social Walls were erroneously showing an upper-left stat area.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where Polls and Social Walls were erroneously showing an empty circular Results Summary when experiences finished. Now it just shows a clapping hands icon.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where both Crowd Controlled Mode and Fully Automatic Mode with Restart Experience Automatically trivia games would show “Winner” and “Winning Player Rankings” labels on the set Final Rankings Leaderboard when a player completed the trivia game by answering all questions. These now say Current Player Rankings and no winner is shown until the host actually “finishes” the trivia game. As the game isn’t finished in these modes until the host actually “finishes” the experience.
  • Fixed a bug where Crowd Controlled Mode trivia games were not showing the set Final Rankings Leaderboard if one of the Show Rankings Leaderboard Automatically settings was not also enabled.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where if the Rankings Leaderboard were being shown when a new player was created after completing a trivia game (e.g. pressing Create New Player), the newly created player would be stuck on the Rankings Leaderboard after signing in.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View when using Crowd Controlled Mode or Fully Automatic Mode where after answering a question, the “Next Question in…” label was not properly counting down.

Version 4.1.2 - Visual Updates and Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: The trivia library’s category icons were refreshed with new 3D icons! Additionally, the “Books” category has been renamed to “Literature.”
  • :sparkles: The Create Experience page has been refreshed with an updated color scheme, updated font, and new 3D icons!
  • Both the Email and SMS monthly notification limits have been reduced for all plans. The current levels were too high and had too much cost to maintain. The new levels should be adequate for most users. A la carte notification packs will soon be able to purchase within the app (along with a la carte participant-level increase packs, additional live stream minute packs, and the upcoming AI-generated question credit packs :wink: ).

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where after earning a diagonal bingo on the Participant View of a bingo game, every additional marked square would incorrectly trigger another “BINGO” earned animation.
  • Fixed another bug where the % Answered Correct in the Answer Stats Bar on the Experience Dashboard, Presenter View, and Participant View could display an incorrect number. Especially noticeable when deleting answers from Drag & Drop Order Questions after votes had been cast.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View when using a loaded URL with Automatically Log In Participants would log the participant in again even after they deleted their Participant Account.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View when using a loaded URL with Automatically Log In Participants would enter an infinite log in/log out loop when signing with the same participant loaded URL from multiple Participant View browsers. Due to it logging other participants out with the same participant account and then automatically logging them back in.

Version 4.1.3 - Customization Updates and Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: As part of the Conference Plan and above’s customization features, you can now edit the colors of the UI buttons and elements on the Participant View. Including the following:

    • Sign In Button
    • Submit Answer Button
    • Continue Playing Button
    • New Participant Button
    • Sending Pop-up Panel
    • Received Pop-up Panel
  • These are part of an on-going update of adding much more customization and theming to the app. These will be part of a much larger major feature to be released in a few more months. But many users have requested to update these elements so we wanted to make them available now.

  • Updated trivia and bingo Trending Packs and Game(s) of the Month in the Trivia Library.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a forum-reported bug where Drag & Drop Order questions were not sorting into the correct order on the Presentation View when enabling Show Correct Answers (C) if Automatically Start Question was disabled and Hide Answers Before Question Starts was enabled.
  • In addition to the above Drag & Drop Order fix, we also improved the following:
    • After enabling Show Live Answer Results (A) and then Show Correct Answers (C), upon then disabling Show Correct Answers (C), the answers will correctly re-sort back to the Top Voted Order.
    • When no votes are cast on a Drag & Drop Order question, no animation or sorting will occur when enabling Show Live Answer Results (A) as there is no Top Voted Answer.
  • Fixed a forum-reported bug where GIFs assigned to Question Media were not immediately loading upon doing a CSV import.
  • Fixed a forum-reported bug where Participant View answer options that have an image added had hard-to-read answer option text. The answer option’s color has been added behind the text, similar to the Presentation View’s design, to make the text more readable.
  • Fixed a bug where using a Fully Automatic Mode trivia game with Winner Reveal Animations and a Next Round set, would not wait long enough to show all three of the Winner Reveal Animations. This was also fixed for when trivia game has a set Scheduled End Time and a Next Round set.
  • Fixed a bug where the Throw Confetti (Y) keyboard shortcut from the Experience Dashboard would not throw any confetti on the Presentation View after a Next Round was triggered.

We love reading this forum and definitely jump on bug fixes reported to us here! Keep em’ coming. :blue_heart:

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Version 4.1.4 - Bug Fixes & Minor Updates

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: When using Points Wagering on a question, the Presentation View now displays the added hint to the audience. Previously, any added hint was only shown on the Participant View. This was a user-requested feature! :blue_heart:
  • The Countdown Timer on the Experience Dashboard now has options for 20 and 25 minutes.
  • Other minor UI updates.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the new Custom User Interface Color hexadecimal inputs were occluded by the pop-up color picker when at the bottom of the browser screen.
  • Fixed a bug where updating an experience’s Name and Description from the Settings → Custom Branding tab was not reactively updating the Participant View in real-time.
  • Fixed a bug in the Poll Setup Wizard that caused several missing icons.
  • Fixed several UI issues to improve text visibility when using Dark Text Mode involving some of the newer UI elements that have been added in the last few months including:
    • On the Participant View, the Answer Stats Bar and Answer Status areas have been corrected/improved
    • On the Presentation View, the Answer Stats Bar as been improved
    • On both the Participant View and Presentation View, when using answer images for answer options, the answer option text color has been improved

Hang tight as we have some larger updates just around the corner!


Version 4.1.5 - Minor Bugs & Configuration Updates

  • Nothing too exciting in this update. It included some very minor bug fixes and configurations updates.

Version 4.1.6 - New Data Tables & Search


  • New Data Tables - All data tables throughout the Experience Dashboard have been revamped including totally rebuilding the search bar. Now searching for votes, participants, your VIP guest list, and more is much easier, faster, and better. Unlike before, almost every field is now searchable and sortable. This update has been needed for years.

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: The Crowd Activity table for polls and trivia games now as an Answer Index column to easily see the index of the chosen answer (e.g. “A”, “B”, “C”, etc.).
  • Other minor UI updates.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where setting Final Rankings Leaderboard to “Don’t Show Final Rankings” was still showing the rankings on Crowd Controlled Mode trivia games. Also fixed a bug where updating this setting was not updating the Participant View’s Final Rankings in real-time once the trivia game ended.
  • Fixed a bug where moving an answer option from a “Drag and Drop Order” question on the Experience Dashboard would not update an existing vote’s order in the Crowd Activity table.
  • Fixed a bug where updating the text of an answer option from a “Drag and Drop Order” question would incorrectly update an existing vote to only that answer (instead of the new answer text within the appropriate order).

NOTE TO OUR USERS: This update took much longer than expected and involved a lot of under-the-hood changes that aren’t very noticeable or glamourous. Know that we are always working to improve the app and its performance for the long haul. And we have some very, very cool features that have been waiting in the queue and we will be moving a lot of updates out in the next few months. Thanks for your patience! :blue_heart:


Version 4.1.7 - Data Tables Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where all data tables were not retaining the set “Items Per Page.”
  • Improved loading of data tables to be smoother and less jolting.
  • Fixed an issue on bingo games where the Leads → Participants tab would not show the Advanced Team of the participant.
  • Updated a bingo game’s Crowd Activity data table to show the latest marked squares by default.
  • Fixed a bug where the answer option icons on the Participant View were not centered for Like/Dislike and Yes/No poll questions.
  • Fixed a bug where the VIP Guest List data table’s default sort column was not updating correctly when switching the VIP Guest List field.
  • Internal database updates.
  • Improvements to internal tools.
  • Improvements to internal file structure.

This was another quick maintenance update. More features and larger bug fixes coming soon.

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Version 4.1.8 - Minor Updates & Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: All data tables on the Experience Dashboard (e.g. Crowd Activity, VIP Guest List, Participant List) all retain the last selected column, sort direction, and the items per page settings. Upon revisiting any of the data tables, these settings do not need to be re-clicked. This is helpful for sorting the most recent votes at the desired items per page count, navigating away, and then returning to the Crowd Activity tab (CPDV-473).
  • Now when enabling Show Question Notes on the Experience Dashboard, it will hide any open rankings views so the Question Note is always displayed on the Presentation View and Participant View. Previously, all rankings views must be disabled or else the Question Note would not display (CPDV-404).
  • Added several new internal features for the trivia manager and trivia content team.
  • Minor design, copy, and configuration improvements.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the answer options on a trivia question would sometimes not display after a points wager on a question (CPDV-471).
  • Fixed a bug where the Answer Index in the Crowd Activity tab and the Crowd Activity CSV export would not increase above “Z” for questions with over 26 answer options. These now correctly increase to “AA”, “BB”, etc.
  • Fixed a bug when enabling the Start With Practice Question setting, the “Relax, this is a PRACTICE question that doesn’t count.” message on the Participant View would not display if Hide Instructions on Participant View setting was enabled.
  • Fixed a long-standing bug when triggering a Next Round, the Allow Previous Teams setting, when disabled, was not being enforced. Now, if a participant has previously played with an existing Advanced Team that is not in the Next Round experience’s set of Advanced Teams, the participant must choose a new current team.
  • Fixed a bug where both sound effects and default background music were being downloaded unnecessarily to the Participant View even when they are disabled (CPDV-464).
  • Fixed a bug where upgrading from an existing monthly plan to a yearly plan would show a “You’ve Downgraded!” pop-up message.
  • Fixed a bug where removing a Drag & Drop Order question’s answer option would incorrectly decrement the question’s Answers Received and Answered Correct percentage (CPDV-454).
  • Fixed a bug where updating the order, removing, or adding of a Drag & Drop Order question’s answer options would not update the correctness of any existing votes (CPDV-475).
  • Fixed a bug where editing the value or order of all question type’s answer options would not update the existing votes’ answer and answer index values in the Crowd Activity table on the Experience Dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug where deleting a multiple-choice answer option on the Experience Dashboard that has existing correct votes would not decrement the question’s Answered Correct percentage.
  • Fixed a bug where open color pickers (e.g. custom answer option colors, social wall post colors) would get stuck open when switching main tabs on the Experience Dashboard (CPDV-472).
  • Fixed a bug where uncalling a bingo square on the Experience Dashboard and then calling it again would not allow players to mark the bingo square if they had marked it the first time it was called (CPDV-444).
  • Fixed a security/cheating bug that could potentially allow the same bingo square to be called more than once by players in certain circumstances (CPDV-444).
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Version 4.1.9 - Minor Updates & Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: Importing and Exporting Questions via CSV now supports the Question Link feature. Question Links now successfully export and import (CPDV-305).
  • Added a new notification on the Experience Dashboard, Presentation View, and Participant View that alerts the user if their browser has disconnected from the server and also when it reconnects. This allows the user to know if they’re Internet has stopped working and if they’re still connected (CPDV-245).
  • Added a new notification on the Experience Dashboard that alerts the user when a new version of the app has been deployed and requests the user to refresh their browser (versus previously forcing a refresh with no feedback). For simplicity, the Participant View still simply forces a refresh. (CPDV-246).
  • Minor design, copy, and configuration improvements.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the Participant View question tabs and question selector stopped working in Crowd Controlled Mode (CPDV-492).
  • Fixed a bug where the Presentation View’s question text was not being resized and wrapped correctly when stretching the size of the window (CPDV-297).
  • Fixed a bug where pressing CTRL-C or COMMAND-C on the Experience Dashboard would sometimes unintentionally trigger Show Correct Answer (C) (CPDV-250).
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where any images uploaded to Social Walls were being down-scaled and saved at a very low resolution. Uploaded Social Wall images now save at a higher, more standard resolution (CPDV-418).
  • Fixed a bug where the embedded YouTube tutorials would sometimes fail to appear on the My Experiences page.
  • Fixed a bug where trivia and bingo library game logos would not display on the Participant View for Basic Plan users after cloning a game from the library (CPDV-168).
  • Fixed a bug where an error could occur when trying to start the next experience immediately after triggering a Next Round (CPDV-455).
  • Fixed a bug when doing a Shuffle Questions, the first question’s answer option colors would be applied to all other answer options. Now, each question’s answer colors are maintained (CPDV-390).
  • Fixed several minor issues in the trivia and poll CSV question template files.
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