What's Your Most Requested New Feature?

I have been messing with Points Wager, and folks LOVE IT! It looks like the time to wager has been changed to match question time, which is great, and I hope sticks around. To other hosts, I usually put up the leaderboard before the final question, and I verbally tell the crowd what the format, and category are for the final question. I also remind them to decide based on the top scores what they want to wager, and tell them the screen default at 50% of their score, THEN I hit the next slide button. So far I have not had any issues. I LOVE this feature!


I have a workaround. I insert a “dummy” question just before the wager question. Multiple choice with no correct answer. On that page, I lay out the rules. The timer is irrelevant. Then, go to next question which is the wager page.


You sir, are BRILLIANT. :slight_smile:


Aww, man! Thanks! I hope this helps the community with the new points wagering learning curve!

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Wow, I love this, but also cringe that you have to do this. :stuck_out_tongue: We’ll be enhancing the feature.


We do the same thing during our breaks. This gives us the opportunity to announce what’s next in the game. It would be nice to be able to insert a “information” page that does not have a question attached to it! (hint, hint!).


Last night during our game, the wager timer was set at 10 seconds. I feel this is WAY to quick. 30 seconds at least! Thanks!

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I would like to add a feature to your roadmap.

"Image reveal"

As the image is slowly revealed…people pick the best answer to the image and the faster you guess the more points you get.

Here is an example video so you know what I’m talking about. Animal image reveal Kahoot - YouTube

The 2 image reveal games that we attended was images of “Rock bands” and “Flags of the world”…and was quite popular and well received by the crowd. I think it would be an awesome feature to add to Crowdpurr.


Ross, one more small thing. I feel that having the system auto populate the wager field with 1/2 of the players current score is confusing to the player. Perhaps a zero or even “Enter Wager Here” text in the field would be better?


Or, a few different auto-wager options. 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

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I think I agree, I have been able to get my players past it, but it just saying “enter wager” could be easier. I feel like the pre-filled space was either to not have to make a “50%” button, or so that if the time ended before the player could enter a wager, at least they have some skin in the game.

The longer timer takes care of the latter problem, not sure if the “50%” button issue is real, if enough time is given.

I was just thinking the same thing this morning. I use a lot of Youtube videos to present questions and have ‘Intro’ videos that visually explain the question. Like you, I have been adding ‘dummy’ questions with no answers (I use the text option). It would be great to basically have the NOTES feature become an Info Page or Title Block that is not in the question format.

Jimmie G.

Hey Ross,

We frequently receive custom trivia questions from clients. As part of our quality control, we ALWAYS send the questions back to the client for proofing. We want them to check the spelling and punctuation, as well as verify that the answer starred as “correct”, is in fact, the actual correct answer (yes, we have screwed that up before!). The excel export doesn’t show the layout of questions and answers exactly how they appear in the show - so we copy/paste the “Summary”, which shows the layout of the questions and answers, but not how the actual “slide” appears. Would love a “slide” export, so they see exactly how the question appears during the trivia session.


If possible, we just screen capture the Projector View for this. I think that would be a cool option, but that’s at least a quick solution.

How about an option to send messages directly to individuals or teams while they are playing?