Started to use Crowdpurr for the bar and online at the same time. I’ve set up 2 teams for Bar and Home. Would love to see team names on the Ranking board to determine which place each team is playing from.
Absolutely. That’s coming in an update soon.
That’s exactly what this button does.
Please see this help center article for the full explanation Team Trivia Explained.
Ross, I think he’s trying to show the players rankings, but with the team name for each player shown… so you can see, for instance, the top three people are playing on the “Bar” team, etc.
Or perhaps…
To show them all at once with the location/team shown
- Team A Bar 5025
- Team B Home 4972
- Team C Home 4954
Would love to have an update on points wagering? We use crowdpurr for horse racing and this would make our offering 100 times better !
We’re hoping to launch it this Friday.
Well, I was looking forward to this Friday as THE DAY!
Keyword was hoping . It’s coming, I assure you.
Any updates on wagering points, Ross? Inquiring minds want to know!
We’re working on it this week. That’s all I got. Mr. CEO needs to take a lesson in not over-promising!
On sounds. How about a “Time running out” sound or countdown sound?
Woo HOO!!! Looking forward to checking it out!
Ross - this is awesome!!
where do we put our suggestions for possible changes/adjustment suggestions?
I have a concern about the wager timer. I just sent a message via the IG page chat but i will put it here as well for all to see.
Is there a way or can there be a way to disable the wager timer or make it longer or have a trigger to start that timer? since this is new to out clients, we will want to take time to explain how the wager question works, but we cannot do so because the timer starts immediately. Right now we are putting a little “w” at the end of the question PRIOR, to warn our host that the next question is a wager question and to explain how it works BEFORE advancing it to the next question.
hey info 3, do you basically put the horses names as the answers and have them bet on the horse to win? There’s no way of giving points for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place right?
I just ran through a few test games with the wager system. I agree that a Start To mer button specific to the wager triggering would be great. I will be using the Notes tab tab to explain the Wager system and give a broad topic the question falls under.
It would be nice if the “next question up” could be changed to the topic/category heading of the upcoming wager question.
In some future update it would be cool to see how many points were gained/lost on the wager. Stats are fun, just like the percentage of players that suites answers, it would be nice to see how many players wagered anything, how many went all in, how many played it safe. Not important, but fun banter for a host.
Thanks for the wager option. A couple of observations. We need a way to let the players know what the wager question CATEGORY will be before we ask them to wager. Otherwise, they are just shooting in the dark. Secondly, the wager question should be on an independent timer. We give them time to wager and then we click to start the timer.
Copy all. All good ideas.
Yes, it sounds like we should add a Points Wager Hint field to the question, then you can set a hint, category, none, etc. that will be shown for points wagering. We’re going to increase the set time for the points wagering window up to fifteen seconds for now. Adding in another button to trigger the points wager timer might be a bit tricky for this first version.
We tried this with some regulars and yeah, the timer is a killer. By the time you move to the next question, people realize they have to come up with a wager, then take the time to actually enter the wager, even the regulars were having problems with this. So, in its current form (understanding it’s beta and in testing and this is exactly why we are doing this), this could never really be presented to an audience that has never played this before.
A couple of suggestions:
- as mentioned before, a trigger to start the timer would be almost necessary. (Because the host would need to explain that this question is a wager question, etc. If the host happens to go to the wager question without realizing it… the timer starts…and there is nothing that can be done about it, Lord help the host)
- the ability to customize the length of the timer
- maybe a few more “quick” wager selections… 25% 50% 75%, etc
- something that was mentioned by players… the ability to see the scoreboard (or at least their section of it) while wagering so they know where they are in relation to the leaders and how many points they need to bet to get there
I think this could end up being a real nifty feature. Thanks for continuing to add more options for us.
Agree with all you noted Dan. Until those suggestions are implemented I have the process of adding the Wager category in the notes of the question just before the wager question. Then showing the leaderboard before advancing to the next question (just thought of that, so it’s not tested) this way all players get an explanation of what/how wagering works, the see their score before betting.
The wagering is def going to be a part of all my games moving forward.
Jimmie G