How to mimic Pub Quiz on Crowdpurr


I just started using Crowdpurr, and I love it, wish I had known it earlier!

I run a Monday Night pub quiz league in Hungary and the neighbouring countries and since COVID we run an online version of it too, which is just me streaming the questions and a videofeed on youtube from the pub where I host the offline quiz but people can submit their answers and they have their own leaderboard and everything.

For years we used typeform for the answers, which worked pretty well on the players’ side, but it was very difficult on the management side (meaning I hated creating on that platform and correcting the answers), so I want to move these Monday Night quizzes to Crowdpurr, which works almost perfectly but needs some fine tuning.

I’d like to pick your brains on how to implement a regular pub quiz answersheet the best way on Crowdpurr. We had 3 rounds so far, here are some of the issues that I need help with:

  • the biggest issue was that teams couldn’t correct an already submitted answer. My solution was to put in some extra open questions in the end if they changed their mind and wanted to correct anything, but sometimes they couldn’t see their submitted answers. I understand that reopening a closed object that is linked to a score and rankings and etc opens a lot of issues
  • we have 3 rounds, moving everybody to the next round works only if the type an answer to every question,
  • No issues on Round 1 (25 type-in, multiple choice questions and a connection quiz) and the Lightning quiz (13 questions and a tiebreaker).
  • The second round is a bit tricky.
  • I wonder if it’s possible to have unique questions numbers, so not start from 1 but like 26
  • It has a couple special blocks, like a list where they only score until they have correct answers and the old-school more information less points style question, so it would be great to have a better view on which team answered which question (I found the activity tab with the filter)

I screw up something with the scoring, do you have any best practices on correcting open, type-in questions? :slight_smile: So I download the exports and unfortunately we use a lot of accented letters, like áéőúíüöóú, which is a big pain in the a** every day, but that’s our language, and when I export character coding gets mixed up so it’s very difficult to check the answers. It is weird, cause when I upload the csv-utf8 it works like magic.

Thanks for reading this and would love to hear your ideas!

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Hi @almos,

Welcome to the Crowdpurr Community! Great questions.

  • Correcting Text Answer Responses/Best Practice: Indeed, once a text response has been submitted, players aren’t able to edit their response. However, as the host, you do have the ability to manually mark incoming responses as correct.

    As the host, you can mark an incoming answer as correct, which will automatically change the individual answer to match the first Correct Answer from our original set of valid correct answers. This can come in handy for misspelled words or other unexpected variations on the correct answer.

    For more information on how to work with incoming text responses, please visit the following article: Working with Incoming Text Answer Responses

  • Next Round Feature: With the Next Round feature, this feature is designed to move any player who has joined an Experience regardless if they’ve submitted answers to all questions; however, we’d be happy to review any issues you encountered with this feature. In this case, please feel free to email our Help Desk at with the specific Experience Code(s) you’ve encountered an issue in as we’d be happy to review this further.

  • Unique Question Numbers: As far as unique question numbers, Crowdpurr Trivia is designed to display questions in order from question 1 and on; however, you can definitely jump around during a live game if you’d like to display a specific question. For instance, you can manually update the Active Question box with the specific question number you’d like to jump to:


    This article also illustrates how to update the Active Question in real-time: Updating the Active Question

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns as we’re always happy to help!