Official Version Updates

Version 4.2.0 - Minor Updates & Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: When activating Show Live Answers Results (A) on a multiple-choice poll question, the Presentation View and Participant View now sort the poll answer options by how many votes they received. This displays the highest voted poll options first, for easier viewing of the top voted poll answer options and the overall results.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug in the Experience Dashboard’s Crowd Activity export CSV where for Drag & Drop Order questions where the Correct Answer value was incomplete and only displayed a single answer option.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where Type-In Text Answer and Type-In Numerical Answer questions used in polls were not displaying that participant’s cast vote value.
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View when the First Name and Last Name lead capture fields were enabled where the participant’s name was displayed in the upper-right corner without a space between the First Name and Last Name.
  • Fixed a bug on the Experience Dashboard’s Summary tab where multiple-choice poll questions’ answer options were sorted by votes, but not respecting each answer option’s letter.

Version 4.2.1 - Next Round Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: The player name in the upper-right corner on the Participant View and the dropdown menu received a slight design update. The upper-right corner menu on the Experience Dashboard also is updated.
  • Updated the newly added Disconnected/Connected notifications to no longer display when switching between apps/tabs when using the Participant View on a mobile device. The Participant View now quietly reconnects in this scenario.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed several bugs when using the Next Round feature with different experience types (e.g. poll to trivia to poll to bingo, etc.) The Presentation View and Experience Dashboard could both fail to load and/or not have full functionality, especially related to Viewer Controls and keyboard shortcuts.
  • Fixed a bug where triggering a Next Round while a participant was away from the Participant View (e.g. using a different app or browser tab) would not update the Participant View to the updated experience upon returning.
  • Fixed a bug when using Next Round set to an External URL would still have labels on the Participant View like “Next Round Is Coming Up…” where it seemed like another round was about to occur.
  • Fixed a bug when using Next Round in Crowd Controlled Mode where the final rankings leaderboard would not display long enough if any Question Notes were added on the final question.
  • Fixed a minor bug where removing a set Next Round on the Experience Dashboard would not update the UI of the Participant View in real-time.
  • Fixed a bug where called bingo squares would be missed and un-markable on the Participant View if the player switched to a different tab/app and returned after those squares were called (CPDV-497).
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing the browser on the Participant View during a trivia or bingo game would reset the players score to zero until Show Correct Answer (C) or Show Rankings Leaderboard (R) were called by the host (CPDV-498).

Version 4.2.2 - Live Streaming Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug when a user would run out of live streaming minutes, their current live stream would not be stopped immediately and would continue on until manually stopped (CPDV-320).
  • Fixed a bug where a user’s Live Stream Minutes would continue to get decremented after pressing Stop Stream until the user ultimately clicked Shut Down Stream (CPDV-333).
  • Fixed several bugs with Crowdpurr Customer Support accessibility to provide support for users’ live streams (CPDV-394).

Version 4.2.3 - Internationalization (i18n) Redesign Including Sixteen Languages!


  • Internationalization Overhaul - Keeping in line with updating long overdue systems in Crowdpurr this year, we completely overhauled our previous internationalization (i18n) system. This system is what allows the Presentation View and Participant View to be shown in different languages. Our previous design had quite a few flaws as pointed out by our International customers. The new system not only fixes problems with translations, but adds a total of sixteen languages. You can now select from the following languages:

    • Arabic (العربية)
    • Bengali (বাংলা)
    • Danish (Dansk)
    • German (Deutsch)
    • English
    • Spanish (Español)
    • French (Français)
    • Hindi (हिन्दी")
    • Italian (Italiano)
    • Japanese (日本語)
    • Korean (한국어)
    • Polish (Polski)
    • Portuguese (Português)
    • Russian (Русский)
    • Turkish (Türkçe)
    • Chinese (中文)
  • All of our translations have been completely redone with the help of both AI and human translators. We’ll continue to improve translations when reported by the community. Which will now be much easier moving forward due to the new system’s design.

  • We’ll be adding Internationalization to the entire application (e.g. Experience Dashboard) at a later date. This update was long overdue and marks the first step in serving our International community much better. We’ll also highlight and discuss this feature more in an upcoming new feature blog post.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed minor design issues on the Participant View with answer option text color when the answer options use images (CPDV-506).
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Version 4.2.4 - Answer Stats Bar & Bug Fixes

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: The recently added Answer Stats Bar can now be disabled/enabled as an interface option under Experience Dashboard → Settings → Interface → Interface Settings. It is enabled by default on all existing and new experiences.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug on the Question Note editor where once a strike-through was added to text it could no longer be removed (CPDV-196).
  • Fixed a bug where hyperlinks added on the Question Note editor could not be edited or tested (CPDV-405).
  • Fixed a bug on the Participant View where YouTube videos added to questions could not be unmuted by participants (CPDV-502).
  • Fixed a bug on the Presentation View where Advanced Team Rankings would sometimes not refresh completely when switching between single-game and multi-game rankings (CPDV-503).
  • Fixed a bug where users are unable to create new live streams after upgrading if they previously depleted all of their streaming minutes on the free Basic Plan (CPDV-505).
  • Fixed a bug on the Presentation View where submitted text/numerical answers were not displaying when a correct answer was not set (CPDV-495).
  • Fixed bug in the Disconnected/Reconnected notifications preventing them from constantly flashing on and off when participant has a poor connection on the Participant View and their connection is connecting and reconnecting. Also fixed an issue where the Disconnected notification could get duplicated and stacked repetitively (CPDV-500).
  • Minor bug fixes in newly added i18n translation system.
  • Minor design improvements.

Version 4.2.5 - Bug Fixes & Optimizations

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: Added a new pre-caching of questions and answers that improves large-scale (over 5,000 participants) poll and trivia game question loading times.
  • The Crowd Activity table now allows more width for cell values to allow easier viewing of cast answer values.
  • Users with over 5,000 participants in their experiences (e.g. Crowdpurr Custom users) can now manually export their data to CSV. Previously these required Crowdpurr support.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where data CSV exports on the Experience Dashboard were not working when using the Survivor Mode trivia format game (CPDV-510).
  • Fixed a bug where the Presentation View would incorrectly show a question’s text when advancing to a Points Wager question immediately following a Points Wager question (CPDV-38).
  • Fixed a bug where previous participants of other experiences were immediately added to newly joined experiences before successfully completing the required lead capture form fields (CPDV-293).
  • Fixed a bug where the Answer Stats bar’s Answered Correct % was not always updating correctly on the Participant View (CPDV-489).
  • Fixed a bug where removing the first cast text-answer option on the Experience Dashboard would no longer allow any cast text-answer options to be removed. When using Manually Review Text-Responses the same issue also occurred after approving the first unapproved cast text-answer option.
  • Updated to latest Amazon Web Services API (CPDV-463).
  • Removed legacy Autoform package from app and Meteor-version of moment.js package.
  • Migrated codebase away from legacy “NONE”-type field values. We now check for existence instead of a string value (CDPV-360).
  • Added additional rules for allowing users to remove their user account when user is still upgraded (CPDV-401, CPDV-402, CPDV-210).
  • Fixed a bug where the Trivia/Bingo Library would list duplicate games when scrolling a category (CPDV-486).
  • Fixed a configuration issue that wasn’t fully removing Participant View background images from image server.
  • Minor improvements when working with VIP Guest List (CPDV-286).
  • Minor translation fixes in recently added i18n translation system.
  • Minor design improvements.
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Version 4.2.6 - Bug Fixes & Optimizations

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: Added additional optimization that combines Participant View question and answer server fetches into a single fetch and cuts server calls in half per question (especially noticeable on experiences with over 5,000 participants).
  • The Participant View now displays a basic skeleton loader when loading the question and answers instead of the three dots loader.
  • Optimized cache clearing logic in several places to more optimally clear the various server caches used by the Participant Views.
  • Adjusted cache timeout lengths to be more performant (especially noticeable on experiences with over 5,000 participants).

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where Participant View Question Timer stopped working after the first question.
  • Fixed a bug where Participant Views were over-requesting player rankings when not needed based on different actions within the overall app (e.g. player joining experience, host refreshing Experience Dashboard).
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Version 4.2.7 - Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Participant View’s Final Rankings Leaderboard to flicker/load when the game was finished.
  • Fixed a recently added bug that prevented signing into a Poll or Social Wall with the Participant View when using either the email or phone number lead capture fields.
  • Fixed a recently added bug that prevented loading Social Walls from loading on the Participant View.
  • Fixed a recently added bug that prevented the Points Wagering interface from displaying on the Participant View for points wager questions (CPDV-515).
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Version 4.2.8 - Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a recently added bug that would not allow a Question Note to be removed once added to a question. This bug also affected being able to remove a question’s Per-Question Points, Per-Question Time, Points Wager Hint, and Question Link. It also affected removing and resetting a set Next Round on the Experience Dashboard and an Experience’s custom button colors (CPDV-532).
  • Fixed a recently added bug where after pausing a trivia game or poll, then updating its active question, then unpausing, the Participant View would remain on the question when paused (CPDV-531).
  • Fixed a bug that could cause some participants to not load YouTube videos added to Question Media and/or On-Demand YouTube videos on their devices.
  • Fixed a bug when user or admin clones an experience, its custom A La Carte Participant increase (if present) would not be retained in the cloned experience.
  • Fixed a bug when an admin clones an experience to a different user than its owner, it’s Multi-Game Rankings trivia and bingo games were being cloned to the different user (CPDV-501).
  • Fixed minor translation issues in the Italian language.

Version 4.2.9 - Bug Fixes & Minor Improvements

Minor Updates :arrow_up:

  • :sparkles: On-Demand YouTube and Twitch video timings can now be edited after they’re added. Similar to how Question Media YouTube video timing can be edited after adding (CPDV-291).
  • All Trivia Library questions that are Type-In Text Answer or Type-In Numerical Answer now have 20 seconds by default in order to allow participants more time to answer when compared to the 15 seconds given for Multiple-Choice questions.
  • Similarly, all Trivia Library questions that are Drag & Drop Order now have 30 seconds by default in order to allow participants more time to answer when compared to the 15 seconds given for Multiple-Choice questions.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a recently added bug in bingo games where updating bingo squares on the Experience Dashboard would not update to the Participant View upon reloading it. Also fixed a similar issue with trivia answer options not updating to the Participant View after editing on the Experience Dashboard (CPDV-536).
  • Fixed a bug where importing VIP Guests using a CSV would always report an error notification despite a successful import (CPDV-528).
  • Fixed a bug on the Experience Dashboard where On-Demand Videos could not be removed after adding (related to CPDV-532).
  • Fixed a bug where a Type-in Text Answer question’s correct answer that featured any curly-style quotes would not match to typed in answer guesses with straight (standard) quotes. Curly quotes are now updated to be straight quotes in both text-answer question correct answers and cast votes so they always match successfully (CPDV-504).
  • Fixed a bug where the final rankings leaderboard may not display any rankings or may have outdated rankings when completing a trivia game in Crowd Controlled Mode (CPDV-509).
  • Fixed a bug where the Participant View Results Summary would display when finishing a trivia game, even if the player had no votes. Occasionally, host users will reset games right before starting their trivia game and this was displaying all the questions and correct answers in the Results Summary for players prior to the game starting (during the Finished stage when resetting). Now, players must have at least one vote in order to have the Results Summary displayed on the Participant View to prevent this accidental display of the questions and correct answers (CPDV-102).
  • Fixed a bug where the VIP Guest List table’s pagination would not work correctly when changing the amount of items per page. This issue is also fixed in the various Admin back-end tables (CPDV-523).
  • Fixed a bug where the “New Version Available” notification would only display on the Experience Dashboard. The notification now appears anywhere in (except full-screened Presentation Views - as we assume this type of notification is not relevant when full-screened and in use).
  • Various bug fixes on admin panel back-end.
  • Internal fixes to testing data (CPDV-451).
  • Minor design improvements.

Version 4.3.0 - Streaming Video & Winner Animation Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where Crowdpurr’s live streaming may not load for all participants. This specifically occurred for returning players when Allow Multiple Sign-Ins was disabled. Due to these participants having no required “touch” interaction to join the experience, the stream would not load due to its autoplay configuration and various mobile browser rules. Streams now successfully load muted in this use-case (CPDV-538).
  • Fixed a bug on mobile browsers where switching browser tabs or apps would cause on-demand YouTube and Twitch videos/streams and Crowdpurr’s live streaming to fail and not play upon returning to Crowdpurr. All forms of on-demand video/streams and Crowdpurr’s live streaming now successfully continue where they left off (or for streams they continue where the current live stream is) (CPDV-374).
  • Fixed a bug where the Winner Reveal Animations on both the Presentation View and Participant View may not be updated to the final complete rankings if the rankings were still computing. This could cause the wrong “winners” to be displayed. There is now a holding/calculating state ( :sparkles: with a fun new drum roll sound) prior to the winners being revealed that ensures all rankings are up-to-date and complete (CPDV-508, CPDV-537).
  • Fixed an incorrect URL in several billing email buttons to update billing information when a billing issue occurs (CPDV-533).
  • Added improvements to internal logging to better diagnose live streaming issues.

Version 4.3.1 - Minor Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where the newly added holding/calculating state in the Winner Reveal Animations had a broken hands-clapping icon on the Participant View (CPDV-524).
  • Fixed a rare bug where some participants could be included in the Rankings Leaderboard across the app but be missing in the Rankings CSV export (CPDV-541).
  • Improved reliability for when a Scheduled Start Time triggers by raising the event’s priority in our event queue. Any Scheduled Start Time should now always start on the first second of the minute of the scheduled start time (or shortly after). Some users reported delays up to thirty seconds previously.
  • Added updates related to the winter season and new year.

Happy New Year from Crowdpurr! :partying_face: More fun updates and features coming.

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Version 4.3.2 - Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where users could not successfully Disconnect Facebook login if they had removed Crowdpurr from within Facebook already (CPDV-546).
  • Fixed a bug where adding a YouTube Stream for On-Demand video would not work when using the latest Share button URL provided by YouTube. Also fixes an issue if www was missing from the URL the link would fail to be found.
  • Fixed a security bug where on the Participant View any experience could be loaded on any Custom URL. Now, only experiences created by the Custom URL creator will load through a given Custom URL (CPDV-548).
  • Fixed a bug where the Automatically Log In Participants feature would not work if www was missing from the Participant View URL (CPDV-544).
  • Fixed a bug where if an error occurs when casting a vote on the Participant View, the error popup message was always a generic default and not specific to the actual issue.
  • Fixed a bug where enabling/disabling Points Wager on a question’s edit panel would not immediately update any open Participant Views.
  • Fixed a bug where adding new questions via the Trivia Library from an existing Experience Dashboard would not immediately update the questions in any open Participant Views.
  • Updated the Social Wall Create Experience wizard and the Social Wall Experience Dashboard settings that Twitter/X is temporarily disabled due to API/pricing changes. Twitter/X and Instagram functionality will return soon.
  • Fixed several minor display issues across the app.
  • Added a new Book a Demo link to the Contact Us page in case as a user you need to discuss an issue or question with our Custom Success Team.
  • Several internal admin tool bug fixes.

We have one or two more bug fix updates coming and then it’s full throttle on approving and deploying some great new features. Thank you for bearing with us to bring you the highest quality version of the app!

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Version 4.3.3 - Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed an issue where editing or removing a participant on the Experience Dashboard’s Leads → Participants table would not immediately update the rankings if actively being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Participant View could be missing the rankings if visiting a trivia or bingo game where the rankings are actively being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue on the Participant View where an existing participant who visits an active bingo game would get a bingo card error and hanging loading screen if Allow Multiple Sign-Ins was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue on the Participant View where the raw internationalization labels would briefly flash before updating to the correct language (CPDV-518).
  • Added missing internationalization values across all languages for experience type labels, background image uploading, and “Enter A Code” input field placeholder on the Participant View.
  • Fixed an issue on the Participant View where background music and sound effects would not play when using a Custom URL.
  • Fixed a bug where updating a trivia game’s Advanced Teams list would not sync any bingo games Advanced Teams when connected to that experience via Multi-Game Rankings. Also fixed for vice-versa case where editing a bingo game’s Advanced Teams list was not updating linked trivia games’ Advanced Teams lists.
  • Improved user-interface on On-Demand Video play and stop buttons on Experience Dashboard.
  • Fixed a potential scoring calculation bug when using a bingo game with Decreasing Points Per Bingo (CPDV-539).
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Version 4.4.0 - Official January 2024 Update - Introducing Crowdpurr AI :sparkles:


  • Crowdpurr AI :sparkles: & AI Trivia Game Writer - We’re excited to launch our first feature incorporating artificial intelligence (AI). You can now write a trivia game on any topic in just a few seconds! Input any topic description, set how many questions to generate, the question type, and the difficulty, and click Generate!

We’re so excited to be back on the ball with getting features published. Read all about our January update in our latest blog post Create a Trivia Game with AI Using Crowdpurr.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a bug where cloning an experience could fail if it contained older notifications created before a certain date (CPDV-549).
  • Fixed a long-standing issue of users not being able to sign into Crowdpurr Community. It is now restored (CPDV-543).
  • Fixed a bug where searching for Giphy GIFs for Question Media could return a single page of results and would then load forever (CPDV-553).
  • Fixed a minor issue where the featured blog posts would not load on the About page.
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Version 4.4.1 - Per-Question Rankings & Response Times


  • Per-Question Rankings - You can now review the performance and rankings of your players on a single trivia question! The Experience Dashboard → Rankings tab now features a Question tab that shows the ranked responses for that question only. This is a great way to announce/give out special rewards/prizes for performance on a single question. Or for announcing “Who the fastest player” was!
  • Answer Response Times - Each cast answer now records a Response Time that is shown on the Crowd Activity tab, the above Question Rankings, and the exported Crowd Activity CSV file.

NOTE: Another update is coming that that will allow you to send the Per-Question Rankings out to the Presentation and Participant Views for player display, similar to the other rankings sets. The update will also allow for export of the per-question rank to CSV. For now, only the host can view the Per-Question Rankings on the Experience Dashboard → Rankings tab.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a slight design bug where On-Demand and Live Streaming video would not stretch to the vertical distance of the browser, and instead crop over, when viewed in a larger desktop resolution.
  • Slight design update on the Experience Dashboard → Rankings tab. Now each set of rankings lives on its own tab versus having the Enable Multi-Game Rankings switch within a rankings tab.
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Version 4.4.2 - AI Updates & Bug Fixes


  • AI Trivia Builder - After a successful beta and a lot of feedback, we have updated the AI models used under the hood. They are now much more accurate, generate even better questions and answers, and more accurately produce desired count of trivia questions requested. The knowledge they can leverage also goes all the way to late 2023! The only downside is that the newer models run noticeably slower. However, if you’re patient, you’ll see that your AI generated trivia questions are much better.
  • Streaming/On-Demand Layout Updates - We’ve updated and improved the layouts for our On-Demand Video and Live Streaming features. Now, the Vertical Card layout conforms to an exact 4x5 crop on a 16x9 HD source. The Full Screen layout now conforms to an exact 9x16 crop on a 16x9 HD source. This syncs these layouts to universal sizes used in higher-end productions.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a long-standing meta-tag bug where pasting a Crowdpurr experience link (e.g. on Facebook or Twitter was no longer displaying a preview thumbnail of the game logo and not displaying the game’s title (a feature of the Conference Plan and above). Now Crowdpurr links preview correctly (CPDV-507).
  • Fixed minor positioning issues when On-Demand Video and Live Streaming are minimized to the upper-left corner.

Version 4.4.3 - Smart TV Bug Fix

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • A few weeks ago when first releasing the AI Trivia Builder beta, we inadvertently made a configuration change that caused the Crowdpurr Experience Dashboard and Presentation View to not load on older Smart TV browser apps including Samsung and LG TVs. The configuration issue has been corrected (CPDV-178).
  • Fixed some minor design issues with the AI Trivia Builder.
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Version 4.4.4 - Per-Question Rankings Export & Bug Fixes


  • Per-Question Rankings Export - On the Experience Dashboard → Rankings tab, you can now export the new Per-Question Rankings to CSV. At this time, it is a per-question export. The current Active Question is the question that gets exported. Each question will need to export its own CSV. This export can be useful to have a CSV spreadsheet of the answer rankings/times. Classroom Plan users and above can export data to CSV.

NOTE: The ability to display the Per-Question Rankings on the Presentation View and Participant View is forthcoming. For now they are only visible to the host on the Experience Dashboard → Rankings tab and in the CSV export.

Additionally we are planning an overhauled all-in-one data export to a multi-tab organized spreadsheet format that is compatible with both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a minor bug with default CSV naming when exporting rankings from the Experience Dashboard.

Version 4.4.5 - Per-Question Rankings Updates & Bug Fixes


  • Per-Question Rankings - Several updates including the following:
    • Rankings Sort - Fixed a design bug where, on the Experience Dashboard, player responses would be sorted by correctness and then points. On higher participant experiences, many players would earn the same points and thus be tied. Even though response time is measured to the millisecond, it is rounded into a point value between 1 and 100 (for example). We now sort by correctness and then response time, which accurately displays the true sort of players who answered correctly the fastest. This is fixed in the exported CSV as well.
    • Response Time Value - Response time is now displayed as the time it took to answer instead of the time on the Question Timer. This is more logical. Now players with a lower response time will rank higher on the rankings.
    • Response Time Display - Response time is now shown to the milisecond (e.g. 3.842) instead of the centisecond (3.84). The seconds ‘s’ label in the exported CSV (and Experience Dashboard) has been removed to make sorting easier in spreadsheet software.

Bug Fixes :lady_beetle:

  • Fixed a longstanding, intermittent bug where occasionally Participant Views would not receive the rankings after enabling them on the Experience Dashboard (or in Fully Automatic Mode when rankings enable) and either the previous question’s rankings would display or no rankings at all. This was due to an optimization bug when questions are answered in the final seconds of the question timer (which is why it was intermittent) (CPDV-554).
  • Fixed a longstanding issue where players who answered immediately upon a question activating could register an answer with perfect time and points (as if no time had passed). This was due to a legacy design pattern that added a processing padding that is no longer needed. It has been removed.
  • Fixed a UI issue where the Experience Dashboard’s various rankings tabs would flash/load upon every incoming cast answer. The various leaderboards now update reactively and do not flash into a loading state from incoming answers/votes.
  • Fixed a regression in the previously fixed issue of pasting links into Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) of the Participant View not showing the proper thumbnail image and title of the experience. This was due to an unexpected vendor cost increase. We have redesigned this functionality internally to the app and it is now fixed for good (CPDV-507).
  • Internationalization - Several fixes including the following:
    • Now when updating an experience’s language, the language loads reactively without the need for the Participant View to reload.
    • Updated loading patterns to correct overfiring of certain server functions related to loading translation files.
    • Fixed a minor issue where the English translations would always flash first when an experience’s language was set to a non-English language.
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