Request - Drag and drop ability to get some points vs all or nothing

Had some teams ask me if it would be possible for teams to get points for some of the correctly ordered answers. Meaning if I had 4 answers to put in order worth 100 points and a team got 2 in the correct order, they would receive 50 points. It would be nice to have the ability to have all or nothing and the option of allowing points for some. I think the ability to do this would also open up crowdpurr’s ability for other games.

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That defeats the entire purpose of it! How much help do some people need. The multiple choice is already a big help.
I vote no!

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The purpose is to put things in order, so by having the option to get points for some hardly defeats the purpose. :v:

How is it “in order”, if they’re not in order? LOL!!

It’s not rocket science bud but let me help you out.

Put the planets in order, closest to furthest from the Sun. (worth 100pts)

Correct Answer

Answer sent from player
Mercury (+25 points)
Uranus (no points)
Jupiter (+25 points)
Earth (no points)

Not a difficult concept. Tried to put it in the simplest form for you. cheers buddy :clown_face: :joy:

Calling me a clown!
Hilarious, considering your question.
Shows a complete lack of class.
I won’t be replying any further. So feel free to reply to nobody.

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Thanks for responding. :laughing: :rofl:

Good feedback by all. Let’s keep it civil though.

I think partial points is a very reasonable option. And it’s probably something we’ll add on a “second pass” of Drag & Drop Order questions. For now, it will stay as all or nothing though. We have some bigger fish to fry in the coming months.

Agreed, thank you for considering any additions to the platform.