Advanced Team mode makes more work for the host and also requires players to register with the host (something we’re trying to avoid during the pandemic). Plus, we never know who is going to show up.
A big selling point for us has been the zero contact option between players and host etc. so having them approach the host at the start of thew night would not be favorable.
Would it be easy enough to allow the host to select the two teams names and ‘add/combine’ (or something similar) to have the two team names scores added together?
This would stop someone from taking over a team as it would be the host doing it not the player.
Rarely is anything typically easy. Ideally, we would want something more automated so the host never has to take action to do this.
It would be tricky if not impossible unless we required something else to identify the team owner (e.g. email, phone number, PIN, password, etc.) This is currently the way it works with individuals when either email, phone number, or both are enabled lead capture fields. Upon signing in, an existing account is recalled versus creating a new one.
So perhaps a Combine button/functionality on the Experience Dashboard somewhere would be helpful.
Anything that stops the host from having to manually add the two teams together is going to be beneficial.
We have had this happen often enough that hosts are now scared of the situation because of the headaches it creates.
I’m not sure if we can capture any information from players, but we can try.
A nice little feature that doesn’t seem TOO complicated (but then again, what do I know?) would be to allow the user to customize the text in the scroll bar. Might be nice to include a sponsor, drink special, specific directions for an event… etc…
Points wagering is still a work-in-progress. We have another big feature update coming before that one actually. We’ve switched feature ordering up and are prioritizing a new feature for mid to late November.
We’ll be shooting for points wagering and new question types in early December. Stay tuned… new stuff this week!
Ok… so I see you added a search feature to the trivia library. I hate to say it, but I am underwhelmed and let down.
What I was hoping you guys would be creating is a way to search QUESTIONS. It appears, however, that it only lets you search the titles and descriptions of your pre-made “games.”
My example about Iron Man yielded a list of trivia games which had the word “iron” or the word “man” in the title or the description. That is not at all what I was looking for. And even if you returned some relevant trivia games, now I have to open each one up, look for questions about Iron Man, and add them individually to the game I’m putting together.
What I was hoping for was to type iron man into the search box, and get a list of questions that contain the string “iron man.”
While the current feature might be useful in finding a pre-built game about a specific theme, it doesn’t really help my need to assemble new games from your considerable library.
Question search is coming. We know how useful that would be. This was just the first version of the library search feature.
This is coming too. Actually as a minor update in the new week or so. You’ll be able to type a search in quotes (e.g. “iron man”) and it will only search for that exact text. Similar to every major search engine. This is obviously needed but we didn’t quite have it ready for the first go-round.
@jeff-TrashTalkTrivia Don’t know if this is a real solution for your search issue, and it’s certainly a lot of work but…what if you downloaded the Crowdpurr library into a gaint.csv file. Perhaps the F7 search feature in Exel would be more robust? I use this feature to make sure an older question has not been used for a specific client already. It’s a lot of saving games, but you can save them 100 questions at a time. If you are saving every game you create as a .csv you will quickly have a large library on your PC, which you could then use to start building games on the fly. Build that library with some planning and it may work. TV, Movies, Sports, etc. Each category as its own tab. Make the workbook as large as your computer can handle. When building a game on the fly open a new sheet, ask the crowd for categories based on what you have in that workbook, then copy X number of questions per category into the NEW GAME sheet. You could even make naming the categories a game. Just spitballing. Ross and company will come up with a solution. Happy holidays everyone.
We tried. It’s a day or two of work away. It just wasn’t ready to ship. But it’s very close and working in internal beta. Points wagering affects everything - all the playback modes, the timers, the Experience Dashboard, the Projector View, the Mobile View. Adding it is affecting several moving parts. It’s coming though.
Ok - LOVE the search feature in the question search…
BUT… I feel bad asking lol
can it be extended to search every question, not just the topics and their descriptive? Or at least a ticker that says [ ] Search title and description [ ] Search all questions
for example - tonight I’m doing a Bar Beer and Booze Trivia at a brewery - if i search beer or liquor, i get the question banks that have those words in the title or descriptive. I know for a fact that there are drink questions in like the everything bagel or gen knowledge packs. I’ve used them before. BUT if i search the word Vodka, nothing comes up in the search. Without a doubt there are vodka questions everywhere. so basically just looking for a more detailed search is all